part 4

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Steve unexpectedly grabbed Lauretta and kissed her, their first formal kiss because what happened
the night they met was all alcohol and addictions of the past, Lauretta kissed Steve back and she
smiled, the taxi driver then beeped at them " i am in a hurry", That's when she got into the taxi and waved
at Steve goodbye

Now when Steve reached his apartment, he took his phone and call his best friend Curtis to tell him
about the girl of the club" Ayy Curt my man, I'm with this nice chick and I think it might just work
out, remember that girl we met that night in the club all drunk?" asked Steve, " Yea I remember that
girl remember I told you to go to her, how did it went that night" said Curtis. Steve then told Curtis
what happened and that nothing happened and how he think this relationship might just work.
"man what about you baby mama, have you told her yet or is it still early?', Steve answered " not yet
man, I haven't told her non but in due time I will tell her. They hung up the call and Steve in a good
mood all excited called his Little brother who just graduated the previous year from university. "Hey
bro man, how are you" he greeted him and asked him to come that he help him look up for a job but
the plan was to tell him about this Lauretta girl.
Now early in the morning the brother of Steve came by and Steve was still asleep, he woke him up
and before he could wake up he went to play some loud music, early in the afternoon they were
chilling playing cards, " hey bro I met this lovely girl at the club and I know she is not supposed to be
lovely because it's a girl I met in the club and not a library or so "said Steve to his little brother, "
man that's ayt, I like how you back in the game, and you finally moved on from your baby mama
"said Steve little bro, " anyway what's her name? Steve then told him its Lauretta and showed him
the photo of her when The Little brother coughed like one who is choked. Man are you alright?
Asked Steve. " yea I'm fine and I just received a text from my girlfriend I got to go" Steve's little
brother was acting strange as if he knew the girl and it left Steve shocked and didn't know what to
think. Now Malcolm Steve little brother left the apartment and went his way.

Lauretta friend went to visit her at her flat and she then asked her why she was in that club where
she met Steve, she looked sideways and hesitated to answer, Her friend insisted that she tell her,
"ok, remember that guy at the University last year who I used to date?", said Lauretta. And her
friend answered, yea I remember that guy, you still love him even today, see I thought you guys after
the fight the day of graduation, you never worked it out, wassup; asked Lauretta friend, she then
told her friend that they are still talking and he forgave her for cheating on him with his best friend
and that she can't get over him.
She then told her about Steve and how things are looking up. Malcolm was now home and after
seeing the photo of Lauretta, he was stressed as if he knew the girl.
Stay tuned for the next part to know why Steve's bro, little Malcolm is stressed

Check the next part

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