Extended Summary

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Mary Durward has a little problem. Ever since her best friend Noah passed away, she's been experiencing horrific nightmares, eerie voices whispering indiscernible words in her ear, inexplicable sightings of apparitions that appear one moment and disappear the next—and the constant feeling that her every move is being watched by an unseen spectator.

Mary's psychologist is convinced that she's simply a clinically depressed schizophrenic who yearns for the life she had before Noah's death, before her childhood friend Tamara ditched her for the popular crowd.

Mary, however, isn't so sure.

Desperate to prove her sanity to herself, Mary sets off to put an end to what she guiltily believes to be Noah's constant hauntings. But instead, a profound evil gets released into the haunted town of Cullis Port—large in number and great in power.

Now it's up to Mary with her newfound clairvoyance, a guy whose promiscuity helps keep him distracted from his personal issues, a childhood friend who simply can't seem to get over the past, and an overprotective ghost to rid the town of evil before it's too late.


A/N- I've been meaning to post an extended summary for a while now, so sorry to those who see this update and mistakenly believe it to be an actual one! I shortened the main summary (the one before you start reading) so you can check it out if you're curious lol.

For new readers, here's a few things you can expect out of this story:

- There will be romance (and possibly a love triangle, idk yet)

- This story is not a horror. It's not even that scary so don't let the plot ward you away! It's more of an adventure/investigation/drama sort of thing. However there will be a few creepy scenes, I can't deny that.

- Updates are weekly.

That's all for now. Happy reading! :)

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