Untitled 6

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Song playlist: Bolbbalgan4's X Song  

Chapter 6 

The Fun times always pass by the fastest. Never knew this could be real as I never had the chance to experience it. It's already 7 in the evening with the rose quartz and serenity colored skies like some god made masterpiece. Me and Samuel are ready to leave the disneysuperamazing wonderland while each us holding scoop of ice cream with the charcoal aesthetic ice cream cone. Mine was green tea and his was chocolate. Samuel still glued his eye on his metal black phone while looking back the photo we have taken just now. Talking by the ice cream, Samuel immediately go rewatch the one he recorded on his phone which me being a dumbass getting tricked by the turkish ice cream stall with that whatthefuckyouwant's face. He burst out laughter everytime he watches that and seriously by now I think he would had watch it zillion time already since just now. Along with all the cartoon characters and all the beautiful Disney art street all the pictures might more than enough to boost his phone out of memory already. And this does remind me of while all these staff workers in Disney misunderstood us as some cute puppy love couple with the non-stop praising " Aww you both look so good together " I am seriously so annoyed by all this throughout the whole day but Mr Kim seems like he is having fun with this in his inside world but anyway i am not bothering . Even though it's annoying, the light pink shaded bubbly's blush still pops out of nowhere on my face. It's almost autumn here, the dead orange yellow colored three sides leaf is falling down all slowly by slowly with the swinging rhythm. I quickly get my phone and snap this beautiful view. I like view. I like view a lot. I want to capture all of them so that I can never forget every one of those beautiful scenarios thats why i always want a camera. Looking around and my eyes automatically searching for Samuel while scanning around and here i saw the boy holding the leaf standing under the three like he was wondering something while looking up the tree that mostly already filled with orange yellow dead leaf. I immediately have the urge to capture it down and taking up the phone that i holding with my palm earlier on focusing on him and *CLick* Here we go. I even got impressed by myself after taking a quick peek at the serveral photo i take for him without getting his permission or even him noticing. It were all turned out great and aesthetic like everyphoto have their own little stories . Don't know in fact which is nicer. The people i use my phone and focus on, or my photographic skills. I don't like selfies but KimSamuel is like some selca addictation drug addict youngster that wanted to take a selca everywhere when he make a move so i can do nothing but cooperated while giving my best awkward smile on every selca.

I wondering around the park while Samuel is still standing under the tree like he was the newton guy to invented gravity and pairs of girl just passed by. " Ya did you know, the pairs who watched firework together in front the sleeping beauty castle is going to stay forever. I am going to watch it along with my Baekhyun oppa " Said the girl while giggling. I quickly search for the information board that located nearly everywhere and ohmygod there is really firework show at 8pm I NEED TO GO AND WATCH IT . firework is my ultimate favourite night scene. It's like some god made artist up there finally start their work by splashing the color that they have mixed on the palleted to the sky. Along with the Disney cartoon song ohmygod it must turn out so great!

I quickly drag the boy under the tree along with me without explaining where on earth we going because the firework starts at 8 and the two unfairly length's chopstick in my black watch is showing 7 55 . This time,  is the one who hated skinship, holding the others first. Or maybe, god don't set him as others in my profile at first. 


8pm strike in, and the skies go crazily around with all the fireworks that some even with the Disney character pattern. The fireworks dance neatly in the skies without worrying like they have been practice for century. Along with the reunion video of all the Disney character that being projected out on the rough brick surface of the castle. No doubt at all, this is really the best ever. The view or the one who watch it along beside me and both us just went into the supershocked face with our mouth left open on the. The fireworks is really stunning and so the one who is standing beside me.  

I am so sorry this chapter is just basically me fangirling over disney 😂 Sorry for that long hiatus cause seriously I need 48 hours in my life 😭  Also, babymuel has gone skinnier again. Please eat a lot and rest a lot aegi ❤️  

Updated : 1st September,2017  12.57pm 

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