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"I don't think we've ever seen you dressed like this! You look good." It was true, this was very foreign for Emerson to be dressed like this. She hated wearing what felt like pounds of makeup, hairspray and dresses that were far too short. Ems only did that for college formals, so this was definitely fun to get ready for.

A few more compliments were thrown around before Emerson decided to take a seat. For the first time her and Sid made eye contact and her body practically walked itself right over to him. He was sitting on one of the white couches with a drink in hand.. he was wearing black fitted jeans and a black long sleeve- it was normal for him when he went out like this, but boy did he look good. Emerson felt her stomach doing flips as she couldn't help but admire him.

"Hey." Ems said far too upbeat trying to seem casual, but failing.

Sid noticed her nerves easily, "you look great. Like wow.." he felt his voice stuck in the back of his throat as her beauty quite honestly took his breath away. Almost no one could look at her as a 22 year old by the way she was dressed. His attraction towards her in this moment was much greater than normal... Ems took a seat besides him being able to relax, "You're here pretty late. The ball drops in thirty minutes.."

"Yeah, I regret that. I'm sure I've missed a lot, but it was sorta hectic earlier."

"I see.. Honestly all you've missed has been Maatta chugging beer, and the girl Guentzel brought getting pretty pissed."

"Damn that would've been fun to see."

"Maybe for you. Besides that, it's been just the usual for these events."

She had been worried about missing all the fun so it was a relief to know nothing major took place, "A lot of these people I don't recognize are here." Emerson was gradually scooting closer to Sidney as he was someone she trusted here more than anyone.

"Oh same. And most of the other guys are more resolved in their girls anyways."

"Makes sense, a lot of them don't have their kids on them for once."

"True." before the conversation could turn completely dry, Sidney placed a hand her waist, his arm around her lower back as she sat more on on the couch. It felt natural.

Emerson and Sidney made eye contact and everything around them seemed to stop. Chatter and music went mute and the two felt trapped in eachother. Emerson carefully brought her hand against his chest and closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

She didn't want to make the move. She shouldn't be sitting with her legs practically draped on him. She didn't want to feel this way- yet she couldn't bring herself to leave. Emerson had hardly been here twenty minutes and she was ready to go.

Sidney placed his glass of water off to the side and watched her carefully. The hand she had on his chest he took into his own while keeping his other on her waist. His eyes wandered down to her chest forcing him to gulp in realization that this probably looked wrong. The two were too close in a public place surrounded by their friends; yet no one was paying them any attention.

Emerson finally got the courage to connect her eyes with the older man's. His brown orbs felt like they were staring into her, searching for something, for answers. They were in a compromising situation if someone were to find the cruel need to out whatever this was. Sidney should have known better than to pull her into him but he couldn't help himself. Months of wanting her was starting to show.

"Sidney..." Emerson never used his full name. He could see the confusion racked in her eyes, like she was pleading for him to do something. But he couldn't. His confidence left him the moment she entered the room.

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