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Raphael from Philippines:::

One day, last year, I bought a ANIME DVD with the title 'Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi' also entitled 'Erased'.
I was quite excited. I watched it and man!! with just 1st episode, I was hooked. The hairs of arms and the back of my neck stood from end to end.
There'll be no spoilers from me of course! But let me tell you this. Tge story is exciting, engaging, thrilling , suspenseful realistic and finally, full of empathy. There's a lot of funny moment too.

I'm really rooting for the Hero to succeed (Well..most of the people do😜). I was so happy watching that Anime .


Well..I'm a anime lover too..😃
I haven't watched this anime yet. But I will.
And reading this story, I can't help mentioning some all time famous Animes:
One Piece
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Dragon Ball z
Samurai X
Gurren Lagann
Death Note
Tokyo Ghoul
Fate/Stay Night
Black Butler
Neon Genesis Evangenion
Attack on Titan

They reminds me of my childhood.😟😟

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