Author's Note

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Hello readers, hope you're all fine and so am I by the grace of Allah. 😄
There are many moments of our life which make us happy.

Like many other things, I believe that happiness too vary from person to person, situation to situation, place to place and even mind to mind. Coz obviously everyone doesn't see everything in the same way all the time. 😞 Some people become for just tiny reasons when some don't, it takes a big effort just to make those happy. Well..I'm not really fond of those type.😑

I'm writing this book to collect everyone's happy moments or memories whatever you say including mine and make the readers happy even for a little bit or little time. 😊

- Do DM me your happy moments and I'll present them here finely.(I'll try my level best 😅)

-Don't forget to give a proper description like what happened that made you happy, how happened , why did it made u happy, what did you expected..etc..etc.??!!??

- Don't worry, I won't mention anyone unless he/she wants to be mentioned. 😉
But I'll need your Country name and your real name.😅😅

Finally, I believe that you all will find this book enjoyable... 😊

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