"Me!" they all say collectively and I smile.

"Okay what do you guys want?"

"I want ice cream. An gummy bears an brownies an –"

"Carson. That's not breakfast food." I say and he pouts.

"What bout chocolate chip pancakes?" Carla says.

"Yay! Pancakes!" Andrea says and I can't help but smile.

"Okay so pancakes and…"

"Bacon!" they all say and I laugh. These are definitely Lauren's children.

"Okay. You guys wanna help? I ask and they all nod.

We all get up to go in the kitchen and I get all the ingredients we need. Things didn't go so well though. Carson snuck and ate almost half the bag of chocolates, Carla tried her best but ultimately got some egg shells in the mix and Andrea decided it would be a great idea to grab a handful of the mix and throw it up in the air, at me, Carson and Carla.

So now I'm cleaning the kitchen and three children. After I clean the kids I finish cooking, I go check on Lauren. She's still sleep so I go to the living room and flop on the couch. And as soon as I start to relax I hear.


I quickly get up and make my way back to the bedroom.

"Yes sweetie." I say once I enter the room.

"I missed you…I woke up and you weren't here." She whines.

Lauren has always been like this when she gets sick. She is such a strong woman but when she gets a cold or the flu she turns into Lolo The five year old that needs attention and is incapable of doing anything for herself. But I can't help but find it adorable.

"I know sweetie but I do still have to take care of our kids." I say and move to sit next to her on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. She moves to lay her head in my lap and I run my fingers through her hair.

"Horrible." She drags out and then coughs and sniffles.

"You want something to eat? I made you some soup." I say and she shakes her head.

"What about some bacon?" I say and she shakes her head no again.

"Okay well get some more sleep okay? You need to rest." I say and she nods and moves off of my lap. I kiss her forehead and leave the room.

I go check on the kids and they are all back in the living room, playing on the floor. I go lie on the couch and at some point I fell asleep. I woke up to someone poking me in the head and I open my eyes to see Lauren hovering over me.

"Lo what are you doing out of bed?" I ask and she shrugs and says.

"Can I lay with you?"

"Of course you can." I say and I start to move to make room for her but she positions herself in between my legs and rests her head in my neck.

"Mama." I hear Carla say from the side of the couch and Lauren raises her head and smiles at her.

"Hey baby." She says and runs her hand through Carla's hair.

"You better?"

"Not yet baby." She says and Carla nods. Lauren kisses her forehead and Carson and Andrea come over to hug Lauren then they all go to play with their toys.

"Still not hungry?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"Babe, you have to eat something. What about some tea?" She nods to that.

What's Done In The Dark (Laurmani/ Alern)Where stories live. Discover now