"I sent her a text while we were in the cab." I say from my seat next to her bed.

We've been here almost an hour I think. Lauren is pretty calm because she decided to get an epidural after she was 4 centimeters dilated. The doctor just checked and she's 6 and a half centimeters dilated now.

"She just sent me a text." Dinah says from her chair.

"She said she had to pick Natalie up but they're on their way now." She says and Lauren and I nod. I grab Lauren's hand and she interlocks our fingers. I bring her hand up and I kiss her knuckles.

"Okay so I brought you some more ice chips and pillows." Camila says coming in and handing Lauren a cup and gesturing for Lauren to sit up while she puts more pillows behind her.

"Thanks Mila."

"It's what they pay me for." She says shrugging.

"So how many centimeters are we?" She asks.

"6 and a half." I answer and she nods.

"So wheres-"

"I'm so sorry I'm late." Ally says coming in. she walks over to the other side of Lauren and gives her a hug.

"I had to pick up Natalie and traffic is horrible and Natalie didn't want to take the subway so-

"We get it hobbit! Now stop rambling." I say annoyed.

"Sorry. Hi everyone. So what's going on? All Normani said was that it was time and I hadn't asked Dinah Jane anything."

"Lauren's water broke. We came here and now we're just waiting for her to be fully dilated." I tell her and she nods.

"Normani… can I talk to you…in private?" She says and nods toward the door.

"What the fu-"

"Normani!" Lauren says in a chiding tone. I look at her and she starts to rub soothing circles over my hand with the pad of her thumb.

"Watch your language. And just hear her out okay?" She says low enough that only I could hear.

"Fine." I say with a huff and stand to kiss Lauren and leave the room.

"Okay hobbit. Talk." I say once we're both in the hallway.

"Normani I-I'm incredibly sorry for the things I said to you. My behavior was completely absurd and unforgivable. I was completely wrong in my actions and I sincerely apologize."

"Look hobbit…it's cool alright. To be honest you handled that situation better than I would have because if I were you, I would have killed me. Like seriously, if the situation was reversed, I would have tied each of your limbs to four different taxis going in four different directions and recorded them tearing you apart for laughs in the future." I say and I smirk at the audible gulp I hear.

"Well…that is…disturbing." She says and I shrug.

"So maybe this could be a new beginning for us. If you're willing, I would like to start over." She says and then out stretches her hand.

I just look at her for a while and back at the hand in front of me. As soon as I see she's about to lower her hand I take it.

"Don't make me regret this Hernandez." I say and shake her hand. She smiles and says.

"Believe me you won't Normani."

We both walk back into the room and Lauren smiles at us and Camila says.

"I can't believe Allyson is still alive." I chuckle and say.

"Believe me, she can't either." Ally shakes her head and walks over to Dinah and Camila to talk. I walk over to Lauren and brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

What's Done In The Dark (Laurmani/ Alern)Where stories live. Discover now