Comes To The Light

Start from the beginning

"Hey how was your day? She asks and moves to sit on the other end of the couch, by my feet.

"Hey. It was okay. Relaxing. What are you doing here so early?" I ask.

"I decided to let my understudy do a few shows."

"Allyson Brooke gave up the spot light! I can't believe it!" I tease and she glares at me playfully.

"Very funny. She is a very talented actress and I think she deserves to have her talent recognized. Also this gives me more free time."

"True. That's nice of you." I say and she nods her head.

"This weather is really depressing." I say.

"Yes it is quite gloomy out today but…can I talk to you about something?" She asks.

"Yeah. What?"

"Do you remember Natalie?"

"Yeah. Your friend from college right?" She nods.

"Well, she wasn't exactly a friend…she was my first girlfriend."

"You never told me that." I say moving to a sitting position on the couch.

"I know…I never really liked to talk about it but, continuing, we were together almost our whole freshman year. I was madly in love with her and I thought she was the one. But one day I went to surprise her at her dorm room and…I caught her having sex with some guy."

"I'm sorry Ally." I say and she nods.

"I have something else to tell you." She says and I nod.

"The day…I caught you and Normani…I slept with her…and now she's pregnant with my child."

The fuck? Did she just say…she got another woman pregnant?

"Are you fucking serious! How the hell…How could you get another girl pregnant!" I yell, standing up from the couch.

"Lauren I'm so-"

"No! Don't fucking sorry because sorry can't fucking fix this! So you can save the fucking sorry!" I yell standing from the couch, tears pouring from my face.

"Lauren, I'm sorry. I was upset and it just happened." She says, getting up and following me into the kitchen.

"I don't give a shit if it was an accident! YOU GOT ANOTHER WOMAN PREGNANT!" I yell while walking around the house to find my shoes.

"I was upset. Did you forget that you slept with Normani! Or that those may not be my children! This is hard to deal with!"

"Oh right, it's tough so you go and screw your ex! No, we couldn't just talk this out, you just go do what you do best! Fuck other people! And you think I don't know what I did? All you had to do was talk to me!"

"Lauren calm down! I know this is a lot but you are 8 months pregnant. I know I messed up but it's not like either of us have been perfect in this relationship. Can we please sit and talk about this rationally." She says coming to me.

I just shake my head and continue getting ready to leave. I'm standing by the door and I feel Allyson come and touch my arm.

"Can we please talk about this?" She says and I sigh.

"What is there to say? This isn't like any other time you've cheated. We can't just move past this. There is a child involved." I say and she nods.

"Are…where are you going?"

"I…I don't know. But I don't want to be here right now. I need some time to think." I say slipping my jacket on and grabbing an umbrella. She nods her head and I leave and immediately head to Normani's.

What's Done In The Dark (Laurmani/ Alern)Where stories live. Discover now