I Love You

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[A/N: I'M SO SORRY FOR BEING SUCH A TERRIBLE UPDATER. is that even a word what.

Enjoyyyyy :).




Three simple words.

But hold so much meaning. Well, to me, at least.

I don't know about him.

I love him and everything that he does.

I love his curly hair, that I very much would like to run my hands through right now.

But she would never let me. He would never let me. At least not anymore.

I love him. And he knows that. She knows that. And I hate that she does.

It just makes things worse than they could be.

I thought he loved me. But I guess I was wrong.

Because he stole my heart and threw it around like it was nothing.

What he didn't know was that I was already broken, and I thought he could fix me.

But I was wrong again. He broke me to a point where I couldn't be fixed.

It hurts. It hurts so fucking bad and I just want the pain to go away.

So I guess I made my decision.

I'm going to sleep. Forever.

And no one, not even he can make my change my mind.

Because I'm tired of being thrown around like dirt by everyone I know.

But, Harry Styles, I want you to know something.

I love you and you don't care.

You were supposed to fix me, not break me more. But I guess you didn't know that.

Because you kept going back to her, even though you told me you loved me.

But I could only take so much more, and you crossed the line.

So, Harry, I wish you the best, even if you don't deserve the best, because everyone deserves a chance at happiness. But

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