Chapter 18: Vacation

Start from the beginning

You: "Why not? I know the perfect place. It's a small southern Fire Nation Island. It has great beaches and I saved it from a volcano explosion last time I was there so they said I was welcome anytime." I see everybody smile.

Korra: "That's great M/N! When should we leave?" I turn to face everybody.

Bolin: "Why don't we leave tomorrow after breakfast, we can tell everybody where we're going and M/N can show us where it is. I'm sure we could use one of Varrick's old ships." I see everybody nodding in agreement.

You: "Ok, so tomorrow morning after breakfast." I say. We all head off to bed. I begin packing, swimsuits, tank tops, t shirts, shorts, and I throw a pair of pants in too just in case. Then I climb into bed and fall asleep


Evelyn: "You let them kill me. Why? Why did you let them hurt me? You were supposed to be the fighter. Yet you couldn't save me... or Laura. We're dead because of you."

I am jolted awake. I look out the window and see the moon setting, stars were still visible in the sky. I get out of bed and walk towards the kitchen to grab a snack.

You: "God. These nightmares need to stop." I haven't slept in days. When I was watching Sky I barely ever slept. I went 8 days straight with no sleep once when I was watching her, god, that was brutal. I grab a bar of some kind and a glass of water and go sit on the steps leading up to the house. I look over the city. I see the first people out walking around. Although something catches my eye. A group of young kids were standing at the bottom of the stairs. I walk down the stairs to meet them. A short boy with dark skin and a blue beany on walks towards me, only to be stopped by the guards.

Guard 1: "Halt! Sorry kid, no entry."

You: "It's fine, you can let them in."

Guard 2: "Sir, we aren-"

You: "There kids, lower your weapons." The guards obey and lower their staffs.

Kid 1: "Is it really you? Are you the Phoenix?" I chuckle.

You: "What's it to ya kid?" I ask him.

Kid 1: "I wanna be just like you some day. Super strong and brave." I laugh again, but this time at the irony of someone wanting to be like me.

You: "Listen, kid. You don't wanna be like me. My life, let's just say it's had its fair share of downs. But being strong doesn't just come from muscle or bending. This." I say gesturing to my brain. "Is a lot stronger than this." I hold my hand out in a fist. "Using your brain, you could not only be as strong as me, but even stronger." I see the kid smile and smile back at him. I look around and see 2 icicles hanging from the railing. I break them off and toss one to the kid. I take a sword fighting stance.

You: "On guard!" I say and we begin fighting with the sticks of ice. Soon the rest of the kids grab icicles and join in on the fight. I see one of the kids thrust his at my side. I let it go under my arm pretending it got me.

You: "Ahh! I'm hit!" I say falling to my knees. "Curse you meddling kids!" I say as I fall and play dead. I hear them all laughing as they dog pile on top of me. I begin laughing with them until I hear somebody calling.

???: "Kids! Where'd you go!" I see one of the girls call out.

Kid 2: "We're over here Ms. Shelly!" I see a tall blonde-haired woman turn the corner. As she walks towards us I see the guards block her way.

You: "Seriously guys calm down." They lower their weapons and look down.

Ms. Shelly: "I'm so sorry if they caused any trouble." I wave it off.

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