Chapter 31 - Kids?

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Murphy's POV

The fact that I was getting married was really starting to set in. And I loved it. I feel like someone really cares about me; loves me. Of course I knew that Bellamy cared about me for those seven years we dated, but now it's real. Bellamy chose me as his one and only and I will gladly take the title as his husband. I lay on my stomach on the floor, the Xbox controller in my hand, Call of Duty playing on the screen. I run my guy around the battlefield, wandering around without any purpose. I hear Bellamy's bare feet pad along the hard wood floor. I glance over my shoulder to see my tall, handsome, and shirtless fiancé sit down on the floor next to me, leaning up against the couch. He puts a hand on my calf and pulls out his phone, staring down at the screen. I smile and return to my game, shooting away at enemies and trying not to die.

"Damn it!" I exclaim quietly as my characters lifeless body tumbles down a cliff. I set my controller down on the ground and roll over onto my back. I feel Bell shift as he moves to lay next to me, intertwining our fingers. I look over at him and he gives me a weak smile, which I return lazily. However, his smile fades a little. I give him a confused look. "What's wrong, baby?" I ask.

"I have a question to ask you, but I don't know if it's too early to ask?" He responds softly, searching my face for emotions. I lean over and kiss him quickly and gently.

"We've been together seven years; you can tell me anything. We're about to get married for Christ's sake." I respond, squeezing his hand reassuringly. His face flushes a little, which makes me smile because usually I'm the blushing one. He takes a deep breath and looks deeply into my eyes.

"After we get married... We should... I want- I want to have kids with you." He stutters shyly. I am dumbfounded. I never thought about kids. I ever thought I'd get married, but plans change I guess. What would having kids with Bellamy be like? I open my mouth to answer, but I hesitate as I try to find the words to explain what I'm feeling. He looks up at the ceiling, embarrassed.

"It's alright if you don't want to. We can talk about this some other time." He quickly says.

"No, it's ok. I just never really thought about kids. I never thought I'd get married, so I guess I never had a reason too-" I think for a few more moments, considering my next words very carefully. "and- and I think that we could work that out. Let's deal with the wedding first, then we can think about kids." I say, kissing him gently to let him know that kids weren't completely out of the picture. It might be nice to have a little kid running around. Someone who looks up to me and Bell. Someone who loves me just as much as I'll love them. Sounds nice.


A week from our wedding day. The nerves are really building up. Everything is set, ordered and ready to go. I walk through the park with Bellamy and Aurora, picking the perfect area for our outdoor wedding. We had consider next to the lake, but Aurora decided that it would be too cold and dangerous for the little children coming. So, we decided on the bungalow a few yards away. It was a nice spot, a place where Bellamy and I had spent countless nights our senior year just talking and hiding away from the rest of the world. When we were there, nothing else existed outside the walls of the building. Aurora stepped away to call the decorators to tell them where we were having the wedding exactly, leaving Bell and I alone in the bungalow. I look around, examining the wooden ceiling and fencing. For such an old building, it has been well kept and cared for. The perfect spot for a wedding with so many memories. I feel a large hand wrap around mine, pulling me close. I lean into Bellamy's chest, looking up into his big, beautiful, brown eyes. I can't help but get up on my toes and kiss him. I feel him smirk into the kiss, holding me close, arms snaked around my waist.

"Bellamy!" I squeal as he quickly leans down, scooping me up in his arms and chuckling. "Put me down." I demand weakly, wrapping my arms around him instinctively to keep from falling.

"But why?" He smirks. "I love it when you get all feisty with me." He teases, kissing my cheek.

"I'll get a lot more feisty if you don't put me down." I hiss, pretend-threatening him.

"Oh really?" He responds. Before I can retort, he pretends to drop me, making me squeal and giggle. "Not so tough now, are we?"

"Shut up, Blake." I giggle, pulling myself up and kissing him.

"Well, I've got a picture for the wedding day." We hear from the front of the bungalow. We look over to see Aurora with her phone in her hands. Bellamy puts me down and we walk over to see what she's talking about. When I look at the screen, I see a picture of Bellamy holding me. Mrs. Blake had managed to take a picture of us at moment Bellamy pretended to drop me. And it wasn't a bad picture either. It was actually kind of cute.

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