Chapter 14 - Moving In

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Murphy's POV

I wait outside my house for Bellamy, backpack on my back, duffle bag slung over my shoulder, and my guitar gripped tightly in my hand. He pulls up to my house in his rover, getting out to help me. I walk up to the car and he opens the back door. I throw my bag inside and set my guitar carefully on top. I throw my backpack in the passenger seat and turn to Bellamy.

"Thank you so much, Bellamy." I say breathily, looking up into his eyes.

"It's no problem, Murphy. I just want you to be safe." He responds, smiling at me. Before I know what I'm doing, I throw myself into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face into his chest. He responds immediately, arms snaking around my waist and hugging me tightly. Here, I feel safe. Nothing can get me when I'm in his arms. We stand in the embrace for a minute before pulling away and staring deeply into each others eyes.

"We should probably get going." Bellamy says, breaking the enchanting silence. I snap out of my trance and nod my head, getting into the passenger seat and setting my backpack on my lap. Bellamy gets in the drivers seat and takes us to school.

He pulls into the parking lot, both of us getting out and walking side by side to the building. The energy of the people is off. Something is wrong. Everyone is staring at us.

"Bellamy. What is going on? Why is everyone staring at us?" I whisper to Bellamy, looking around nervously.

"I don't know, Murph. I don't know." He responds, looking around as well. We walk down the hallway to our lockers, the stares burning into the back of my neck. I look up and see a group of people walking towards us. Finn. He brought his crew this time. We all stop when we meet in the hall. Bellamy stands up straight, looking as intimidating as he can. He stares down Finn, who returned the hateful gaze.

"Bellamy." He hisses.

"Finn." Bellamy replies, his voice unwavering. I look to Bellamy, feeling like a scared child who needs protection. I feel like such a bitch, but I can't help it when there is a posse of meatheads standing in front of me, shooting daggers my way with their eyes.

"Look at that. Bellamy has his little bitch boyfriend with him. Again." He spits, glaring at me. I shift from foot to foot, feeling my heart rate rise as I get extremely nervous.

"Back off, Finn." Bellamy states, monotone and strong. His gaze doesn't leave Finns.

"You don't get to make orders anymore, Blake. You gave that up when you decided to get with that freak." Finn says, gesturing to me in a demeaning manner. I look down at the floor in shame. "See. Even he knows he's a freak." He continues, pointing out my lack of courage to look him the eye.

"What did I tell you about messing with Murphy?" Bellamy spits, taking a step closer.

"Oh, I remember. But I'm not scared. I'm the one with the boys behind me. Not you." He says, pointing to the rally of numbskulls behind him. "Although, you're probably behind Murphy at night, aren't you?" He hisses with a evil smirk. His posse lets out a snicker. Bellamy's jaw clenches and he lunges at Finn, grabbing him by the collar and holding him there. I jump and Finn's crew takes a step forward, threatening Bellamy.

"Keep Murphy's and my name out of your mouth. I don't care how many people you have in your little crew. I'm not scared of you." He growls, his voice deep and menacing. He lets go of Finn, shoving him back into the boys behind him. He turns back to me, taking my hand and pulling me through the crowd, making our way to our lockers. Everyone is silent, watching us walk down the hall.


Bellamy, Emori and I sat in the cafeteria, eating our lunch and talking.

"That was awesome, Bellamy. I saw the fear in Finn's eyes." Emori says, praising Bellamy for his bravery in the halls this morning. He smiles, taking my hand in his and squeezing it comfortingly. Our hands rested on top of the table, in plain sight for everyone to see. How was Bellamy so comfortable with this? I look at him.

"How are you so cool with everyone thinking that we're together?" I ask him. He turns to me.

"What's wrong with them thinking that?" He shoots back.

"Well, we aren't together and based on this morning, it seems a little dangerous." I respond.

"I'm not scared of them. Let them do what they're going to do. It changes nothing between us." I feel my heart flutter. Is Bellamy considering a relationship between us? I hope to everything that is evil that he is. I smile at him, which he returns instantly. Emori 'awws' us, making me rolls my eyes and let out a small chuckle.

"Seriously, E?"

"Don't be so cute together and this wouldn't happen."


We pull up to Bellamy's house. I sit in his car, staring at his house.

"Come on, Murphy." He says, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at him. He has the car door open, ready to get out. "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can find somewhere else to stay. I don't want you to have to dea-" I am cut off by rough lips on mine.

"Shut up, Murphy. You're not finding anywhere else because you are going to stay with me until we can find somewhere to live on our own." We? Did he say we? I don't say anything about it. It gives me a little hope and I don't want to mess that up. I smile and nod, getting out of the car and getting my stuff out of the backseat. I struggle to pull my bag over my shoulder with my backpack already on.

"Here. Let me." Bellamy says, taking the bag from my hands to throwing it over his shoulder. I blush as he takes my hand, leading up the sidewalk to the door. He opens it, walking inside before shutting the door behind us.

"Mom, Murphy's here!" He shouts into the house. Aurora quickly emerges from the living room, a huge smile on her face.

"Hello, Murphy! How are you?" She asks, walking up to me and hugging me. This is odd. I have never felt this kind of love from a mom. It's nice.

"I'm alright, Mrs. Blake. Thank you so much for letting me stay. You didn't have too." I respond, hugging her back. She pulls away and 'tsk's at me.

"No, don't even worry about it. I would be happy to have you here. You can stay as long as you need." She happily says.

"I can't thank you enough." I say, holding back tears. She smiles at me, resting a caring hand on my shoulder.

"You're welcome. I don't quite have the guest bedroom set up yet, so you can sleep in Bellamy's room tonight if you would like." She says, turning to Bellamy. He nods.

"Let's go take your stuff up to my room, Murphy." Bellamy says before walking down the hall to the stairs. I follow closely behind, walking up the stairs to Bellamy's room. I set my backpack down on the floor against the wall.

"You can put your guitar over there." He says, pointing to an empty corner of the room near the window. I walk over there, setting up the guitar stand and carefully setting my guitar in it's stand. Bellamy sets my bag down on his bed, walking over to the dresser and beginning to clear out one of the drawers. He takes everything and puts it in his closet.

"You can put your clothes in here." He says, handing me my bag.

"Thank you so much, Bellamy." I say, my voice cracking as a tears slips down my face. I drop my bag as he pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"You're welcome Murphy. Now put your clothes away. Octavia wants us to watch a movie with her."

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