As I'm about to close my laptop I see a message pop up.

CHRIS: hey bro, how are you? Miss you. The football team ain't the same without you. How's your cousin Molly? Haha just playing. Reply to me soon bro.

I didn't want to reply to Chris but I knew I had to.

Blake: hey dude, I'm alright. Miss you too. I know it ain't the same bro. Molly is fine. Is this reply soon enough?

I switch off my laptop. I switch off the lights and I climb into bed. I fall asleep instantly.



"Ugh," I groan. This is why I'd rather be homeschooled. I get up, I brush my teeth, shower and I wear black trousers, a white t-shirt and white vans. I go downstairs and I make salad and vegan sausages for my mom. I on the other hand make eggs and bacon with toast. I eat away.


That must be Molly. I grab my books and my school bag and I rush out the door. I wave to Molly.

"Hey Molls," I say as I enter and close the door of the car.
"Hey Blake," she says driving.
"How are you?" I say.
"I'm fine and you?" She says
"I'm alright," I say
"So when we get to school you'll meet Christopher, Cassandra and Jake."
"Do you know your locker number?" She says pulling up into the school.
"Yes it is 212."
"Great, mine is 211, so I'll show you your locker."

As we enter I see a group of people (two boys and a girl) talking. I get out and so does Molly. The girl comes running to hug Molly. She backs away from Molly and goes back to the two boys.
"Ey guys this is my cousin Blake. Blake this is Christopher, Jake and Cassandra or Cassy or Cass for short," Molly says.
"Hey," I say.
Christopher takes a good look at me and says, "you play football?"
"Yes I do."
"Tryouts are today at 2:30pm - 3:30pm."
"Okay I say."
We all talk and when first bell rings I walk to class and when I enter I see Rachel reading Red Queen. How cute. I walk over and sit down. She doesn't acknowledge my presence. "Rachel I'm so sorry for the way I acted. I know things aren't and won't be the same but please find it in your heart to forgive me," I say. Before you judge I was raised to apologize if I did something wrong. She looks at me and says, "okay Blake King I forgive you." I don't know how to feel but I'm glad she forgave me.

The rest of the day goes fine. Molly and I make small chit chat considering the fact that we have a past together. She doesn't make eye contact, who can blame her?
At the end of the day I walk home to change into my football clothes. I eat an apple then I walk to the school. I enter and I walk to the field. Christopher hadn't told me there were cheerleading practices. As I walk down to the football field that we are sharing with the girls, I see Rachel wearing a cheerleading outfit and a jacket that says Captain. Who would've thought that to hide her sadness little Rachel would do cheerleading?

At 2:30pm we run 2 laps and we do practice games and drills. By 3:30pm I haven't broken a sweat considering it's not hot, it's 21 degrees Celsius. Christopher and the coach pick the people who made it the same day. "Go drink water before we tell you who made it," says Coach Benares. I go to my bag and I drink water. I talk to Jake then I talk to his guy named Luke. When I get up to go to Coach B, in the corner of my eye I see the girls who are trying out for cheerleading watch me. Maybe praying I'll be their boyfriend.

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