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Hey everybody, here's the epilogue to Heathens & Heroes. For my own sanity, I'm uploading another "part" in a few minutes. Thank ya'll.

"Why do I need to listen to Snart's girlfriend? I've been with him longer than her, I know the drill. I should not have to sit here and wait for him to come back, per her request. This is dumb, I should be out there, not stuck in a bunker with a bunch of idiots." A routine thief named Chambers muttered in the corner, kicking small pebbles across the floor of the safe-house, his arms crossed over his chest in a huffy fashion as I amusedly watched Lisa roll her eyes from a few feet beside him .

He huffed, this time at her directly, "Chambers, if Lenny really wanted you to come with him, he would've taken you. As much as I would like Liz to be my sister-in-law, they aren't together. With that being said," she gave him a sickly sweet smile before continuing, ignoring the flat glare he was sending her, "shut the hell up and listen to what she says. My brother left her in charge for a reason, respect that."

With an amused chuckle, I pushed myself off of the table that I was leaning against, gaining the attention of the other men in the room as I walked around, my black high heels clicking off of the floor in a slow pace.

These were people that Snart had known for years upon years, besides Chambers, who was a young thief with a curious ability to piss everyone off at once with every world that he spoke. He wasn't too much of a fan of me, but he liked Snart too much for comfort and Lisa often made jokes that he was in love with him, even though her brother said multiple times that the accusation was silly.

"Chambers," I began slowly, walking past the rest of Snart's team with all eyes focused on me, most of them grinning because they knew that it was coming to an end: my level of patience for the thief was diminished over the past two months and the only reason that I haven't hit him yet was actually because Snart had always been there to control my temper, keeping my violent tendencies in check. He left this morning with Mick to take care of some things and the rest of the group was under mine and Lisa's control till he returned. Leaving a ticking time bomb (who already was in a bad mood to begin with) with someone who was sure to make it explode was probably not his best idea.

He looked up at me, suddenly coming to the slow realization that I had lost the remainder of my patience for him, and seemed nervous, trying his best to avoid my eyes as I crossed the safe-house to come face to face with him.

"I've dealt with your shit for two months now and haven't knocked you out specifically because that boyfriend of mine has been able to control my temper for this long." I approached him, wrapping my fingers into the lapel of his red flannel, his grey eyes attempting to make it seem like he wasn't afraid of me, but I knew differently. "Well, guess what? Snart's not here to save you now."

He pursed his lips at me, refusing to back down from my smaller form.

I heard one of Snart's closer friends laugh in the background, letting it echo around the room. He was a tall and burly man, around Lenny's age, who resembled a biker more than he did a criminal, but I think he was my favorite out of the entire group because we got on pretty well—with or without Leonard Snart, who ran the Rogues with an iron fist, often having to show that control in some sort of violent action.

That was one of the main things that I found fun.

"Get him, Liz." I heard Nolan shout, causing another criminal, Alexa, to laugh and it earned a dark chuckle from me as I stared into Chambers' nervous grey eyes. Suddenly and unbeknownst to him, I yanked my arm back, ramming my fist into his stomach roughly.

Amongst the loud cheers and shouts, I could hear Chambers' choking on his own saliva and wheezing in for breath as he doubled over in the middle of the floor, gripping his stomach in the stupid hope that it would relieve the pain—but it wouldn't. I had punched high enough to make him choke and lose his breath, effectively shutting him up for the time being.

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