Chapter Eight: Wreak Havoc

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I did very badly as far as uploading last week--I'm sorry. I've been in a "non-functioning" mood since my sophomore semester of college ended. I'm desperately trying to get back into it but I think I may go on hiatus for this story for two weeks or so, so I can finish the last few chapters, as well as edit the next couple parts so I can post them immediately once I get back. As far as this chapter goes, I apologize for the errors made throughout the chapter. I tried my best to edit and get it up, but I may have missed a few things. Anyways, here you go. Enjoy. 

The combination of both of our teams stood together in the Bunker. We, at the current moment, were discussing the heist in a few hours. The one with my father's dinner party that Snart and I proposed that we crash, which I was unhappily obliging. We were finalizing plans, as well as getting everyone in the room up to speed with what was going on and what we were going in to retrieve.

Oliver and I's job was to get in, undetected, and knock out the two guards covering the stairway door. That allowed Mick and Snart, dressed in guard uniforms, to take their place to go to the third floor and grab the most recent files from my father's main office being the sneaky master thieves that they were. Cisco and Felicity were to cut the cameras, or rather play an empty scene on a loop so that we didn't set off security while Thea, Dig, and Laurel were to be stationed on the roves of the two buildings right beside that one, looking out for any sign of movement leading up there. While Barry, staying on the outside, would be stationed a few blocks down, ready to extract us if it went sideways.

With that being said, I had a feeling that it was going to go badly and so did Snart.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I grunted into his ear as we stood side-by-side in the corner of the room. He nodded at me, a worried look on his face. I instantly sensed that there was something wrong with him, "what's wrong?"

In the past week, we've gotten closer. We've become what some might call "dependent" on each other to keep ourselves sane, which we happily agreed on. We barely left each other's side since the day that we made it to this damn town. We were okay with that though, because neither of us minded each other's company.

His eyes shifted towards me with his arms crossed over his chest, "I have a very bad feeling, sort of like a 6th sense, like this is going to go backwards very quickly." He muttered quietly, looking down at his feet through his eyelashes. Mick, who quietly stood beside us up until this point, agreed. All three of us stared at the group of heroes clad in their suits and gear.

"What do we do, Snart?" I whispered to him, relying entirely on what he has to say.

He rubbed his upper lip, "we go in, do the heist, and get what we need. If there's a kink, we'll work them out." His voice was eerily calm, something that I admired about him, but also something that I didn't quite understand.

I, however, didn't like the answer too much and I grabbed his bicep with a roughness that I didn't know that I had. "Someone's going to get hurt, Snart." His gaze shifted towards me, staring down at my hand with an emotion that I couldn't place right away. I hissed his name again when he didn't reply to my concerns, causing him to hold up a hand to shush me.

"Liz!" I heard Oliver call my name from the other side of the room. I looked up at him in confusion and heard him chirp a "go get ready" at me.

Sighing, I reluctantly released Snart's arm and nodded at Oliver as he stood over Felicity. My criminal friends both glanced at me, both with grins on their faces—to which I rolled my eyes at. They both were looking forward to seeing me in a dress and I wasn't looking forward to being in one.

About an hour later, I was finally ready for this party. My hair was drawn back into a loose bun with a few strands of midnight black hair falling around my face. The backless gown I was told to wear was just as dark. The fabric of it was soft, I wasn't sure what it was made of, but I absolutely loved it. It flowed over my body almost perfectly, ending at about knee length with sleeves that covered my arms. My makeup was applied to perfection, thanks to Thea and Laurel. I put on a set of closed toed stilettos that I bought from a small store downtown and emerged from the bathroom to meet multitudes of staring eyes.

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