Chapter Two: Sinister Kid

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As promised, chapter 2. Please make sure to vote/comment. Thank you.

Barry and I were staked out behind a tree, watching the guards. They held guns, large ones at that and seemed very malicious. They were faceless with vests on that you can only assume was Kevlar, making using guns against them virtually ineffective. "You first, distract them and I sneak in behind you." I directed, he nodded at me and suddenly, he was gone.

    I watched the guards start yelling a few yards from the door as Barry snuck up and started taunting them. Getting to my feet, I began running towards the door. I was stopped by a few guards, luckily I was in close range. I was good at hand-to-hand combat, but not at dodging bullets. Two came towards me, they began to throw punches and I dodged them, kicking their knees out and then they both fell.

    "Barry, I'm going in, cover me." I muttered through the COM.

    I ran through the door and tore down the hall, following the signs pointing down to the first level. I followed one to a stairway, listening to gunfire outside, I yanked open the door to see it was locked. "Keypad," I muttered. Hurriedly, I lifted the keypad casing to the right of the door and began to punch in numbers.

    3519...0913...8733...8766...0317... Bingo.

    The lock clicked and I turned the knob on the door. It crashed open and I ran down the steps, hitting a few walls on the way down. My feet carried me to the last step, then I proceeded to run down the hallway, calling the name in hopes that my target would hear me. "Snart!" I called out, loudly. My heels clicked on the pavement as I jogged through the building.

    I got no reply, but I kept passing rooms, looking inside of each one. Thankfully, they were all open rooms with windows in the front. "Snart!" I called again and this time, I heard a small cough. I ran to the source of the sound and looked through the window to see a man tied on a chair. His hands were bound behind his back and his feet tied together, to the legs of the chair.

I pulled a knife from my boot and kicked open the door to the room, causing a loud crash to resonate throughout the basement. I crossed the distance between us and strode to him, running to free him while listening for pursuers.

    He glanced at me, his icy blue eyes cold and calculating. His face was as hard as steel—he didn't smile or anything when he saw me, but at least he acknowledged my presence. His face was dirty with a dark 5 o'clock shadow covering his upper lip and along his sharp jawbone. His eyes seemed to be exhausted, like he hadn't slept in days—which made me feel a little bad for him. To be honest, the man was pretty gorgeous, but looked like a major dick.

    Chances are, we were going to get along perfectly.

I kneeled down, keeping out of sight and using him as a cover while I used my blade to cut the rope from his ankles. I heard him mumble through the tape, moving his head sarcastically, presumably wanting the tape off of his mouth. Rolling my eyes, I reached up slowly to rip the duct tape from his face when I noticed his bloody lip and swelled cheek.

"Keep quiet and sit still," I muttered. He nodded, watching my every move. "My name is Liz, I'm here with the Flash. Your sister, Lisa, tipped us off that you were missing and we came to get you." I moved towards his side and he shifted his hands so that they were easier for me to get to. I began sawing at the rope, "what's the plan then?" He whispered, glancing around.

"The Flash is holding off the guards at the back door on the second level. Now, while he keeps them busy, we're going to go out the front door, circle around into the woods, grab a bag, and make our way to the rendezvous point at Starling Motel. Got it?" I cut through the rope from his hands and he pulled them up, yanking off the rest of the rope fragments from his wrists and his ankles.

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