Chapter Nine: Problem

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Song of the chapter:  Problem by Natalia Kills

It's long, I know. As I've said in previous chapters, I don't write these on Wattpad, I write them on Microsoft, so I apologize about the length of these chapters. I try to fit so much story into one chapter because it's more action than anything, I don't want it to focus too much on the relationship between Snart and Elizabeth, but their time to pair will come! It'll be great...I think it's the next chapter, actually. Anyways, I hope you like and enjoy.

There was so much chaos that it was awfully hard to focus on what was actually going on. My team was fighting as hard as they could against Godspeed, but there wasn't much that we could do considering that he was much faster than us and much faster than Barry Allen. I kept hearing the discharge of weapons as the man in white was everywhere at once, systematically fighting all of us, and winning, as it turns out.

I heard Heat Wave in the distance, yelling to everyone in a panicked voice, his huffing seemingly just as terrified as ours, but barely showed it. The 'ping' of arrows could be heard from about a mile away, as they whizzed around the walls from the Green Arrow's bow. The Flash zoomed around, trying to take down Godspeed by himself, but ultimately failing because he couldn't be caught. Speedy and the Black Canary were throwing punches and kicks every which way as this thing was basically teleporting from place to place, but couldn't hit him.

Upon hearing a yell, I turned to see Captain Cold fall to the ground, his face bloody and his body even bloodier. I ran to him, grabbing him as tears welled in my eyes and suddenly we appeared in a stone castle, alone with no enemy to face while all life left his eyes.

I began to cry as his eyes stared lifelessly at the ceiling above me, his cold gun clattering off of the floor beside us. I held him in my arms, sobbing, and begging him to come back to me. My lips pressed light, wet kisses to his face. I pounded my fists on his chest, willing his heart to start beating again I leaned down to press a sloppy kiss against his lips, one full of tears and grief, willing his lips to move once more.

"Do not worry, child." A voice whispered as a man approached me. Through the tears in my eyes, I glanced up. The man was faceless and spoke with a heavy accent, one of which I didn't recognize the origin of. When I looked back down at my closest friend's body, I saw it was gone and now I was a young child holding a teddy bear in my arms in a place that I don't recall ever seeing in my life.

The faceless man picked me up from where I stood on the floor, crying, as individuals in black face masks and hoods walked into the corridor, circling us with bows drawn and their heads down. "You're going to be okay, I promise, La-Ibna."

I woke with a start, covered in sweat, attempting to decipher what was real and what wasn't. Breathing heavily, I softened my body against the bed as the man beside me began to stir from his deep sleep and out of impulse, I slid my hand up his back carefully. He quietly groaned as I ran my fingers down his spine. Somewhere within the house, I heard Mick's loud snores as well, comforting me to no end to know that he was okay.

My fingertips absentmindedly traced the muscles in his back, listening to the sounds of his breathing. I sat up in the bed with my legs folded in front of me and continued to rub my fingers across his back as my head rested against the wall behind me. The warmth of his body felt comforting after the dream that I just had of watching him die. I just wanted to touch him—he relaxed me.

He sighed sleepily, "what's on your mind?" I just shook my head in reply, pausing for a second.

"It's nothing—bad dream." I whispered as I pulled my hand away from the man's body. The absence of his warmth made me feel even colder and more upset about the dream as I watched his sleeping form. He grumbled something incoherent and I felt my lips pull up into a small smile, but I remained silent, allowing him to slip back to sleep.

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