Acting Skills

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'What are we going to do?' Dec whispered to Ant at Maskface's lair entrance, 'How long did it take us to get here?'

'Two hours. I just hope Cat's holding up alright.'

'Ant, there's no way we'll be able to sneak in with ten guards at the door.'

'Well not with that attitude we can't!'

'I wish we could just go in through the-!'

The boys paused at grinned at each other.




Cat sat bolt upright, startled by Maskface's booming yell. Head still clouded, she glanced down at the glowing chains. Their colour had faded slightly since she had fallen asleep.


'...No not really...' She whispered, her voice just barely there.


Cat used the wall to help her stand. It wasn't easy. She was shaking all over, and the chains were slowly draining everything from her.

She wondered how long she could last until she lost her sense of balance. She couldn't let that happen, or she would have a REALLY hard time getting out.


'How are we going to get up to the top of the building?' Ant whispered.

Dec smirked,
'Same way we did it on Takeaway. Climb.'

'Never again! Never, ever, EVER again!'

'Shhh, they'll hear us. Okay then, maybe we can find a stairway and remove the bricks or something!'

Ant face palmed himself.
'Dec! How in Television are we supposed to do that?'

'I know...'


Cat replayed Maskface's words in her head, "You better stay alive or Ant and Dec won't be bribed".

'So... what if I wasn't alive?' Cat thought aloud. She thought back to Takeaway, when her acting skills were used to keep the nation in suspense. So... Maybe...

She shut her eyes, bracing herself, then she hit the floor with an audible thud.

There was murmuring on the other side of the door for a minute, then the door creaked open.

'Boss, she's dead.' One of the guards called.

'Let's see.'

Cat could feel Maskface's presence at the door.

'No she's not.' He answered quickly.

'How do you know?'

'The chains would've faded back to grey. She probably just fainted. Leave her.'

Then the door locked shut.

Cat opened her eyes after the footsteps disappeared, and looked at the chains. They were losing their purple colour.

Ant and Dec - SNT Book 1 - Saturday On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now