Better Than Drowning

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Ant and Dec talked amongst themselves as Joanna drove over a bridge.

'I can not believe we talked to them!'

'I know, right!'

'But... who disrupted the connection before?'

Ant shrugged,
'That guy from the video footage, but we don't even know who he is.'

'Wait!' The car came to an abrupt halt.

'What?' They asked.

'Do you hear that?' Joanna asked, it was a faint humming sound, it was distant, very distant but with each second, the sound felt like it was progressing. Almost creeping forth.

'We can hear it. Why?'

Suddenly, the car's direction changed, 'We have to turn around!'

'Why what's going on?'

'It's a trap! We've gotta get outta here!' Her hands were frantic as she tried to turn the car around.

The humming continued to increase in volume.

'Who's voice even is that?' Dec asked.

'No time for talking!' Joanna ordered.

The humming got louder and louder... until...

'AHHHHHH!' Was the next sound heard.

'WHERE'S THE ROAD GONE?!' Ant yelled.

It took a few seconds to see, but the car was sprialling round and downward. It was like they were back on a rollercoaster.

'WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?' Dec screamed, clutching onto the seat.

'At this rate we're going to end up in the water!' Joanna replied.

Then the syncronised yelling started again.

'WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!' Ant yelled.


Ant thought for half a second,
'We could try changing?'

'And HOW will that keep us from drowning?!' Dec asked frantically.

'Alright, alright...'

'Wait a minute... do you remember the portal we used?' Dec asked.

'Will it work?'

'Well we have two friends on our side to help us!'

'But then we'll have to start looking all over again!' Joanna explained.

'Better than drowning!'

Ant and Dec held their hands out, focusing on the decreasing space infront of them. They onky had a short few seconds before they hit the water.







And they went through.

Ant and Dec - SNT Book 1 - Saturday On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now