Chapter 1

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Evan woke up from the worst night-
mare ever. The thought of the whole thing have him chills. He was trapped in his room filling up with black Ink. It kept on filling and filling as he struggled. Sadly, he got trapped under. That's when everything went black. In seconds, he spotted a tree. It was beautiful and tall. Had pink flowers falling from yet it looked healthy as ever.  He went and climbed it. Seeing the world from above and how beautiful the sky was. Then in a snap, he pushed himself off the branch.

That when he woke up. That dream was way to familiar in his mind. He looked at his cast. It was real. The day he...tried it. It's not like he hasn't thought of things like that but...He sighed and got out of bed. Evan changed to his blue striped shirt.

Evan mom came his room with a smile on her face. "Hey Evan. Ready for school?" Heidi asked as she put a hand on her hip.

"Oh...I-uh yeah..." Evan wiped the tears that were falling down his face. He grabbed his phone and backpack and pushed pass his Mother.


Jeremy was texting his bestfriend Micheal. Jeremy couldn't admit it yet but he did have a crush for Micheal. He would always flirt with him. Only reason he didn't know is  because he was head over heels for Christine.

Micheal🎧❤️: want me to pick you up?

Jeremy🎮💙: Yeah. Beats taking the bus

Micheal🎧❤️: awesome!

Jeremy🎮💙: perfect👌🏻👍🏻
Jeremy🎮💙: I'll text you later. I have to get in the shower bye player 2❤️

Jeremy didn't really mean to put the heart. He meant to put "😎". Since he already sent it it might as well of stayed.

A ding popped on his phone. He started blushing when he saw Micheal's reply.

Micheal🎧❤️: see you then player 1😘

Jeremy got up and hoped in the shower. He was the person to take a shower in the morning and not at night.

~10min later of singing the shower~

Jeremy went downstairs and got a pack of Poptarts. He never was a breakfast kind of guy but he had to eat something. He stepped outside on his porch and waited for micheal.

His dad walked outside once again with no pants on.

"DAD! We are in public!" He looked around and saw a little girl screaming and running away.

"They didn't need my at the office again" His dad said. He just sighed and saw Micheal car pull up. Jeremy heart started racing and he never knew why. He was never shy in front of Micheal. It's just when he sees him...makes him feel special inside or something.

Micheal didn't want to Jeremy to see him like this. Not this early in the morning. Jeremy always cared and loved for Micheal. It was sweet but it makes him wonder if Jeremy has his own problems at home. Just the thought of Jeremy being sad yet still trying to help Micheal. It made him feel so guilty. Micheal quickly wiped his tears off his face.

Then Jeremy got into the car and looked at Micheal. He saw his eyes were kinda red but not like 'I just got hella high yo.' Type of red. He started to get concerned.

"Micheal? What's wrong? Did something happen?" Heere asked. He nodded his head.

Micheal sighed and started to begin. "I just....feel like I'm so much to handle for you. Now that your mom is gone and your dad...and Christine. Am I holding you down with my stupid problem?"

"Micheal, you're nothing but a balloon when it comes to problems. You're not weighing me down. I'm fine as long as you're okay. I love you." Micheal got stiff. Jeremy had realized what he said.

"You do?"

"Yes I do a lot."

Jeremy then realized that he loved Micheal but as in a boyfriend way. "Micheal, I know I'm at bad timing and this is the first chapter but...wanna date?"

Micheal was frozen. After years and years of liking his bestfriend. "Y-yes?" Saying more of a question. "SHIT YES YES!"

They walked in the school hand in hand. Nobody gave the weird looks only Chloe and Jenna. When Micheal passed by Christine he was tense. Jeremy kissed Micheal cheek to make sure he Micheal would see that he was over her. (No squip :( maybe :3 also I'm listening to Micheal in the bathroom)


Evan saw how cute these to boys in front of him was. One kissed the boys cheek which I thought was adorable.

I got to my locker to see Jared. "Damn. You seriously broke your arm by jurking off too much. I'm picturing it now! You have Connor Murphy's Instagram and that off brand pho-"

"Haha never funny. That's not what happened at all..." Evan looked down at his cast.

"What happened then? You fell off your bed?" Jared laughed.

I fell out of a tree..." Jared was about to die out laughing decided not to. It was silent for a second. He kept biting his bottom lip.

"What are you a acorn?"

No. That's such a stupid thing to call a person." Even defended.

"Alright then for now on I'll call you acorn but your small and lovable." Something kinda went off in Jared. He looked as if he ACTUALLY cared for someone. He gave Evan a side hug and patted his shoulder.

I'm sorry for everything that I put you through." Evan was confused but shook it off. "I am the one who apologizes."

"Well get ready because Connor Murphy is coming. Look he haves a note in his hand."

"Shut uuppp."

Connor walked up to Evan. Acting casual but he felt so empty. Seeing Evan made him feel so good. "Hey Hansen?" He said ready to put it out.


"Wel- woah how you break your arm?"

"He fell out of a tree!" Jared said before Evan can say it.

"That's the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard. I already know what happened. You wanted to take your own life." "How did you know?" "I saw depressed you looked that day. When you were walking there. I was on a walk." Evan was surprised. Everybody believed him when he said he fell. "You don't know what it feels like to just feel so empty so horrible like you need to be "fixed"". Connor saw that Evan was about to cry. "Did you take your meds? At all today?" Evan looked down.
"N-no I d-didn't" Connor pulled Evan into a big hug and started rubbing his back. Evan burst out crying. Jared just watched seeing his actual only friend get taken. Connor whispered something into Evan ear.

"I do know what I feels like, I'm taking my own life today." Evan eyes widen and hugged tighter. "P-please don't! Your the only one who kept me sane." (I'm listening to you will be found now rip me) Everybody started whispering about how soft Connor was being. "JUST BECAUSE IM NICE TO HIM DOESNT MEAN ILL BEAT YOUR ASS!" Everybody turned away but still listening. "You matter to me Evan ok?" "Will I see you tomorrow?" "..yes you will JUST because I want to see your smile!" Evan blushed and Connor hugged Evan. They both knew this was a start to a new friendship or maybe more.

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