The song Trini had chosen rang in the car in Ed Sheerans voice,

"Settle down with me,
cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me, in your arms"

The yellow ranger buried her head further into the crook, her eyelashes fluttering against the tallers girls skin.

"And your hearts against my chest
Lips pressed to my neck"

The pink ranger almost choked when she heard the lyrics, she could hear their beating hearts and she could feel hers beating harder than it should have.

"Im falling for your eyes,
But they dont know me yet
And with a feeling Ill forget
Im in love now."

Trini was staring intently at Kim now, their faces inches apart, eyes locked, and Kimberly could feel everything, every fiber in her body was alive, she was alive.

"So kiss me like you wanna be loved"

And that was enough for the pink ranger, she could feel the hot breath fall on her lips as she closed the gap between them, the latinas lips soft and molded against hers, this kiss so different than all of their others, she could feel their tongues battling for dominance, she could feel herself weakening.

When they pulled away, they were both breathless and the song had ended, the smaller ranger rested her head against Kims once more and drifted to sleep, the new song that played was not a happy one.
Trini lay in Kims bed, breathing rhythmically as the latter sat on a couch and stared at her. Sleep was a distant companion to her in that moment. She took in her feelings bit by bit, like words from a book, letting the meaning sink into her.

The yellow ranger looked so beautiful, she realised. With her golden skin and long waves of hair falling gracefully, she had eyes which no matter how long one looked in theyd want to keep losing themselves in, of maybe that was just Kimberly. The smaller girl had clutched the quilt tightly and The pink ranger found herself wishing it was her instead.

With a deep, restless sigh, she realised that she hadnt been entirely honest with herself, she felt something for Trini, this girl wasnt just some casual experiment. It hit Kim hard, this girl was her teammate, her friend, and Kim realised she felt something more, she thought back to all their moments.

She thought how she would have felt if Rita had finished Trini off, she silently shuddered and climbed into bed, scooting close to the girl, she traced her fingers on the scars the girl had on her neck, and she realised that if Rita had killed Trini, she would have gone out of her fucking mind.

She realised that she would do anything to protect this girl, that she couldnt bear losing her, and she realised it was because of more than a mere friendship and yet, as she realised it she shut it out. She couldnt risk everything, her life, her relationships, her family over whims of feelings, she couldnt risk everything for something she didnt yet believe in. So she tried to move away from Trini in the bed but somehow ended up with her arms wrapped around the latina and her heart beating harder than even before.
Warmth was the first thing Trini noticed when she woke up, it was an unusual change from her cold bed but she wasn't complaining, the second thing she noticed was the source of the warmth before being overcome with a painstaking headache. She accidently let out a groan waking the pink ranger up.

The taller girl jumped out of the bed like it was fire admittedly hurting Trini a little more. She opened a drawer and taking out aspirin handed it to to the yellow ranger. The girl quickly took it and they sat in silence for a moment before one of them decided to break it.

"You cant keep doing this, you cant keep making me feel like this if you arent going to reciprocate, Kim, if you're straight than stop doing this." Trini said gesturing to them. "No more kisses, no more sharing beds, no more us, unless youre willing to give me more, unless youre capable of giving me more. So Im going to ask you once, for the last time, what are we."

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