First word

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Peter--  Your first word was mine, because Peter told you no to playing with his gun. "Mine!" You Shouted trying to grab it. "OMG, (Y/N) you said your first word.

Drax-- Drax and Rocket were fighting again, and you over heard Drax say rodent to Rocket. "Rodent!" you yelled looking at Rocket. Which only made Drax laugh, but Rocket on the other hand was not to happy being called rodent by a lower life form. Rocket was about to  shoot you and Drax when Peter pulled him away to cool down. 

Rocket--He was working on something when all of the sudden it blow up. "Just perfect!" Rocket said going back to work. You looked at him "Idiot!" You shouted at him. "What did you say (Y/N) he asked looking at you. "Idiot, Idiot..." You said over and over. "Gamora!" Rocket said knowing she was the only one who used that word more than any one else.

Gamora-- You already could talk. 

Yondu: He had been messing with his arrow and you where watching him with amazement. "Arrow!" You say looking at Yondu. Yondu jest picked you up and smiled. 

Nebula: When ever Nebula tried to talk to you it end with you two in a fight. Of course she won, but she soon realized you couldn't talk and was scarred of her.

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