Chapter 5: the Truth 2

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"you're right Kristoff, but..." I paused.

"but what?"

"Hiccup is right, we should discuss about he's resurrection seriously" I agreed on what Hiccup said. If he is going to be resurrected then I should think of how can I protect Elsa. I wouldn't want the same event that occur years ago.

"BOOM!! Take that Kristoff!!" Hiccup said while pointing his index-finger right in front of Kristoff's face, acting like a child.

"how old are you? 4?" Kristoff points out

"Yeah. You have a point there, Kristoff!" Flynn agrees.

"Because someone say that I'm not smart. But now as you can hear from Lord Jackson, I think I'm smarter than anyone." Hiccup says proudly.

"let's change the subject. How was your lessons going?" I ask

"they were all right. and yours?" Flynn say and looks at Hiccup

"fine... I guess" Hiccup admitted. I then look at Kristoff, that is in a deep thought.

"Kristoff, are you alright?" I asked, making sure what's going on through his mind. He then looks at us with a serious face.

"Yes. I'm fine Sire. I was just thinking that maybe its best that we tell the girls about it. Because sometimes when I'm with Anna, I can't control my thirst." He explains. Actually, he does have a point there. I need to think about it. Flynn then slowly turn his head, facing towards me.

"Well Jack. Kristoff has a point. Because I felt the same way as he does when I'm with Punzie"

"Same here... " Hiccup agrees

"You're all right. Honestly I have know idea what we should do" I said as I bow my head in shame. I then see Kristoff, deep in thoughts again.

"How about we go on for a vacation with just the 8 of us? After all, we will take a break from school within 4 days" He says.

"that's a great idea Kristoff. Well, where should we go?"  

"in Palawan"

"in Bora Bora"

"in Caribbean Islands" They all tell places where we should go. But I think I have an Idea. . . 

"How about we go on our private Island. We can go there with our private plain and enjoy it to the fullest. Is that okay with you guys?" I suggest

"That will be Awesome!" They all said at the same time.

"It's decided then" I said, forming a smile in my face.

"I can't wait. I have to tell Anna"

"I have to tell Merida"

"I have to tell Punzie"

"Wait! let's tell them later" I stop them before they leave. They all look at me with a surprise look.

"WHY?!" They all say at the same time again.

"Jinx you guys owe me a soda" I tell them

"You got us there, Bro." They all smile.

"Anyway, you can't go to the Second-Class because they are doing lessons. We don't want to disturb them, don't we?" I explain

"Yes, you're right. but what are we going to do now?" Flynn asks.

"Well, let's play music. Do you guys know some songs?" Hiccup suggested while getting his guitar.

"Well not  really." Kristoff says. I also look at Flynn if he had any idea, then I saw him thinking something.

"How about we play.... no, I can't think of anything." Flynn then gives up. I wonder as well.

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