CHAPTER 10 edited

Start from the beginning

"Kyaaaaaaa!" I screamed as the speed increased, then 'BAAAMMM' A door flew open and I suddenly fell into a room with gallons of water raining on top of me. I groaned in pain and rubbed my back.

"Oh my, looks like Chibi-chan is our last person," a too familiar voice said. I moved my dripping brown hair out of eyes before moving the hair back in place. Oh god, why?

"Hisoka, don't bother Nijika too much." Illumi said in his normal tone.

I shakily stood up and frowned as all my clothes clung to me. Ewww... I then looked at my backpack and sighed, I bet even my spare clothes are wet, I can't change...

Realizing I had no other choice I stripped my shirt and jacket off, which left me with my black sports bra, ignoring the look the two older males were giving me I slipped the jacket back on.

I got the shirt that was wet and squeezed as much water out before ripping it in half. I got one piece of the shirt and wrapped it around my thigh and placed the other piece of shirt in my backpack. I then rolled down my knee high socks and pulled out multiple knives out.

"I am guessing your main type if weapon is knives?" Illumi questioned as he kneeled down to watch me work.

"Nah, I just brought knives to the exam since they are easy to hide," while saying that I pulled out a pocket knife out of my sports bra, "See?"

I looked at all my knifes in disappointment, "Che, I lost five cause of the stupid water slide," I grumbled as I started to collect them all. Using the cloth on my thigh to support I placed three knives on my thigh while putting two in my shorts and two in each of my long knee socks and one in my sports bra. For the last touch I grabbed a hat out my backpack and placed it on my head,

I then stood up and looked at Hisoka and Illumi seriously, "So what do we do?" I question.

"Just put on the watch over there, on we'll start." Illumi commanded. I followed his instruction and slipped on the watch with a 'CLICK'.

As soon as I did a loud voice boomed in the small room, "All right! This tower contains numerous passages, each one contains it's own crossways. You can only move forward following the choices, it is impossible to pass if you do not get the same answer as the other two in your group."

I eyed two of the older males, they are both killers so I just have to think like a killer.

"I forgot to mention but my name Lippo, I am the jury for the third exami- SORATA-SAMA!!!"

I jumped when the person's voice level changed drastically, I then found the camera at the corner of the room turned towards me and I glared at it angrily, "Sorata-sama p-please excuse my rudeness! I didn't know you were a hidden jury in the exam! Just press the second to bottom and third block to the right! It'll i-immediately take you to the bottom! I'm sorry Sorata-sama please don't do what you did last time!" The man screamed and with a loud snap you could tell the connection between us broke.

All three of us stayed silent utterly confused what just happened.

"Did our jury just mistake I was Sorata or something?" I question breaking the silence.

Hisoka just licked his lips and laughed creepily, "I believe he did."

I sweat dropped, what did Sorata do to scare the guy Lippo? But I shrugged the thought off hesitantly pressed on the block on the wall. My eyes widen eye I felt my footing disappear from underneath me.

"Iyyyaaaa! N-not again!" I screamed as I slid down the unbelievable steep slide in extreme speed. From behind me I could hear Illumi and Hisoka also following after me. Unlike the first slide I could see what was in front of me. Using that as an advantage I got off my butt and slowly changed position so I was on both feet while crouching, I used one hand to control my speed while the other hand held the hat on my head so it wouldn't fly off.