Chapter 5

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Kyoko gaped at the President as she struggled to process his admission. 'He's Yvonne?!', she thought disbelievingly. Sure, she knew how much he loved to dress up, but she was having a hard time imagining him their radio instructor. Still, that would explain the slightly masculine aspects of Yvonne's physique.

She and Ren were now in the President's office. He had said he had something to discuss with them, but she hadn't expected to learn this!

"I had to borrow Ren's stylist, Miss Jelly Woods for the disguise.", Lory added nonchalantly. "I'm considering giving her a raise for her excellent job!"

"But how do you know so much about handling those equipment, or being a radio rockey for that matter?", Ren asked.

"Well, I guess you can say it's all due to my research and training for the last two years.", Lory replied, shrugging. "Opening a radio station has always been my dream. I've been planning it for a long time, and also intended to become one of the jockeys!"

'Well, that would be more like it!', Kyoko thought. She could already imagine him giving love advice on air. And he would be much better at the job than her. She then decided to voice something that had been bothering her for some time.

"Er..President san,", she spoke up timidly. "I however, have a concern regarding this show. After Sho Fuwa's call, the lights went out, and we..", she broke off awkwardly. Lory gave her a reassuring nod and smile, encouraging her to continue.

"Well, we didn't get around to switching off the button to stop the broadcast. So..whatever we said to each other, will be definitely leaked to the press wouldn't it? Especially seeing that we did manage to get a few listeners?"

"Not to worry Mogami san!", Lory assured her cheerily. "I can guarantee that the only listener you had was me!"

Seeing their confused expressions, he continued, "The first show for 'Love Infinity' is scheduled for next month. When you went 'on air', you actually turned on a video camera cleverly hidden among the equipment. So you see, everything you said on the show was definitely recorded, but never went on air! As for your supposed 'callers', they were none other than Kotonami san and a friend of hers."

"So..the whole thing was a hoax?", Ren asked finally. "But, why?"

"So that two love-struck idiots would finally admit their feeling for one another!", he said patiently. "Natsuko is a clever girl, but can you imagine how many hours of training in the studio it took to get her to trip everyone when the lights were turned off? I had to use dummies for her practice to get her to wrap herself around you two! And until you two finally confessed, I wasn't planning on turning on the lights! That would be her signal to unwind herself from you!"

"But, why a snake?", Ren asked. It was beyond his capability to imagine, even in his wildest dreams, what possessed the President to use such a prop for match making. "How you managed to hide that gigantic snake in the studio is still a mystery to me!"

"It's a baby anaconda Ren! Not a Basilisk!", Lory retorted. "She's been trained not to hurt anyone! If you like, I could set her free in your apartment one day! I do have the keys now!"

Ren paled at the thought of the little monster slithering away in his bedroom, or worse, into his bathroom when he was showering.

"So you see, I kept a hidden camera, for the two of you to look back on one day!", Lory continued, beaming. "Just imagine, a video of the moment you two finally confessed your feelings for each other! Very few couples have such a thing!"

Ren shook his head smiling. He was both amused, and touched at the same time. The man before him had done everything possible for his happiness, including, helping him win over his love.

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