Chapter 2

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Room no.53

Yvonne Touma

Radio Jockey Instructor

'Looks like a new office at LME.', Kyoko realized, as she looked at the paper for confirmation. Yes, it was the same venue that the President had written for her. The meeting venue was to be in LME's main building, on the fifteenth floor. Kyoko had never seen an office assigned for Radio Jockey instructors. It had obviously been set up after the introduction of 'Love Infinity'.

'Yvonne..Touma..', Kyoko mused. 'Is she even Japanese?' It did have a nice ring to it..She just hoped that Yvonne Touma was as nice and pretty as her name. She went into fantasy mode, imagining a beautiful, tall, young lady, with long black hair falling to her waist, and ivory skin that glowed with health and beauty...

'Yes!', Kyoko thought dreamily. 'I would love a princess instructor like that!' .She suddenly frowned as she remembered that Ren would also be working with her. 'Well maybe she can just have Short black hair and a freckle or too..', she thought, feeling a little less generous.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked the door firmly.

At first there was no reply. When she was about to knock her head again, a loud powerful sounding voice boomed from inside, "ENTREZ!"

'Entrez?', she wondered, a little bewildered, as she opened the door. 'I thought you say 'enter' in English for 'Come in'? Am I wrong? Or maybe she's French or Spanish?'

It was a large office, equipped with microphones, headphones and other impressive looking equipment. There was a desk at the end of the office, and someone standing , bent over it, clearly reading or studying something. "Take a seat!", she said , waving a hand towards some chairs at the side of the room. "I'll be with you in a minute."

Kyoko walked to one of the chairs and sat down, her eyes never leaving Yvonne's back. She seemed to be tall and -

She gasped when Yvonne suddenly turned around, casually leaning against the desk.

If Yvonne looked tall when she was bending, it was nothing compared to when she was standing! She was easily taller than Ren Tsuruga by a good six inches or so. She was a large strapping woman, powerfully built. She was especially muscular around her arms, as the sleeves seemed a little tight. Her face too had a slightly masculine aspect about it. She had beautiful eyes though, slant, and a pretty, sparkly grey. Something about her features suggested a mixture of foreign and Japanese descent. Apart from her eyes, the one thing that suggested that Yvonne was a woman was her large breasts! Kyoko goggled at the outrageously large F-cups that threatened to burst the buttons of Yvonne's well cut suit.

"Miss Kyoko Mogami isn't it?", Yvonne enquired, looking at a sheet of paper, causing a blushing Kyoko to look up from Yvonne's most noticeable features . She had a loud, powerful voice, perfect for public speaking. She spoke with a slight foreign accent, which suggested she was probably half French.

"My name is Yvonne Touma as you already know.", she said with an amiable smile. Kyoko relaxed at her friendly smile. She didn't look so strict now. "An-"

Yvonne stopped at the sound of a knock on the door. "Ahhh..that must be Ren Tsuruga now, !",she said genially. Kyoko wanted to giggle at the way she pronounced Ren's name but restrained herself.

The door opened and Ren entered the room with a smile. His smile disappeared, to be replaced with a confused look. "Oh I am so sorry sir! I was supposed to have a meeting with Touma san."

At that moment Kyoko realized two things.

One, Ren Tsuruga didn't look at a woman's breasts no matter how big they were.

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