Chapter 1

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"So what do you think?", Lory asked, keeping his fingers crossed as Ren carefully scanned through the documents.

"I don't think I can handle another secret mission like 'Cain Heel', sir.", Ren replied, as he put back the papers on the desk. He smiled apologetically. "I'll admit, this offer is tempting, but I will not be able to devote much time for this."

"Ah, yes, but you have practically every Saturday off, as per your current schedule, am I correct?", Lory asked , a little pleadingly. "Surely you can afford to put aside, say, an hour or so for this project?"

Ren leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. "You seem very well informed of my schedule sir.", he said drily. "I suppose Yashiro san already knows about your latest venture?"

"Not yet." the President replied, shaking his head. "Not unless you accept this offer. And I would strongly advise you to do so Ren. You are a successful actor, and an equally well known model. It wouldn't hurt to try your hand at something else!"

"But being a Radio Jockey is different!", Ren argued. "It's like being a salesman! You need to have a natural gift for the kind of gab to interest your listeners, which frankly, I don't possess!"

Lory sighed dramatically. "And this, coming from a man who struggled to find the perfect Katsuki, fell in love with the one girl who won't fall in love and is currently struggling against a role that requires him to tap the darkest depths of his personality!"

Ren shuffled a little uncomfortable, under the President's piercing gaze. Taking pity on him, and not ready to listen to any more excuses, he continued. "Besides, I will not be sending you to the radio station tomorrow and expect you to start off wonderfully. You will be trained for a month, till you know the ropes behind the job. I have hired the prefect instructor for this task! Ah that must be her now!"

"Who? The instructor?", Ren asked warily when he heard a timid knock at the door. He got the feeling that the president had already set him up for the job. He hadn't called him to the office to ask him about the job. It was to tell him.

"No! Your co-RJ!", Lory explained, before calling out, "Come in Mogami san!"

Ren's head turned around in surprise. Sure enough, the teenager, clad in her pink Love Me uniform entered the office. He felt all thoughts fly off his head, as he gazed warmly at the face of the woman, he had come to love so much.

Kyoko stopped short when she saw Ren too was in the room, and unconsciously took a few steps back. A million emotions were passing through her at that moment as she was unable to tear away her eyes from the one man who posed such a threat to her heart.

Warmth, pain, love, fear, anger, happiness, discomfort, love again..and a firm resolution not to accept these monstrous feelings that were threatening to tear apart her heart.

'Don't give yourself false hopes Kyoko!', her demons screamed at her. 'Ren Tsuruga will never return you feelings! He can never see you as love interest! Forget that your box ever opened!'

Swallowing her emotions, she bowed respectfully before the two men . Deep in her heart, lay a once open box that she had managed to lock again, but which nearly opened again at the sight of the only person who had unlocked it in the first place.

"Good morning President san, Tsuruga san.", she said at last, standing up straight. Her voice was polite and distant. The smile on her face was professional and did not reach her eyes. Terrified of giving herself away, she didn't dare look at Ren anymore. As for the President..well he had seen through her already hadn't he?

Ren looked puzzled and hurt by her coldness, but tried to console himself that it was only natural for Love Me 's number one member to act like that to a man whom she had straddled, marked and been swept off her feet in a matter of only a few days. He felt guilty, using the mask of 'Cain Heel' to do things to Kyoko that he would otherwise never dare to do, even if it affected her attitude towards 'Ren Tsuruga'. But then again, he was after all a man..madly in love with this woman. Perhaps this job wasn't such a bad idea after all..

Love on air:A Skip Beat! Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें