His smile was actually gorgeous, he was gorgeous. He had these sweet dimples, black spiky hair, and pretty brown eyes. His body looked incredibly built too. Better then the seniors I have seen so far.

I quickly shifted my eyes back to the front of the room.


The rest of the class lecture was like any other day. Notes, Notes, and more notes. Once English was over, I headed over to my honors history class.

History seemed to end much faster since our class period seems to consist of war history movies and reenactment videos lately.

When the bell had rung for History class to end, I headed to the cafeteria for lunch. As I walked in, I spotted Keisha at a booth already, munching on some candy. I walked over and sat down across from her.

"Where's Kiera?" I asked her.

"I don't know. Probably overslept in someone's class or something." She chuckled. Finding humor in her comment, I laughed a little before I questioned what I was really wrong.

"What's wrong with her? Is she doing okay? I mean, I notice she looks like she haven't been sleeping to well lately."

"Ummm she's fine. She just been busy with some family issues." She stuttered out.

The way she answered didn't sound too legit, but who am I to ask otherwise?

"Hey you guys?" Kiera groaned. She dropped down in to the seat and slammed her head down on the table.


"Shouldn't you go home if you're so tired?" I asked.

"Nooooo I'm fine." She flagged my suggestion away.

"Okay fine."

"Are you coming over this weekend?" She asked, lifting her head up. For the first time today, there was some excitement in her voice.

"I don't know, I have loads of homework and papers to do."

"Pleasssseee, we haven't hung out ever since the night we went to the carnival." She pouted.

She was right. I haven't been out with them in a while. Normally I would just go straight home after school and take on the piles of work from these honor classes. I need a weekend away from the work I think.

"Fine." I agreed to come over.

"Good, we can have a mini pool party or something." She smiled.


Oversleeping, I found myself rushing. I ran into the bathroom for a quick shower and ran back out. I didn't care about wasting time picking out cute clothes so I just picked out something simple. Black jeans and a cheetah printed shirt with some black sandals. I put on a quick layer of mascara and eye liner and put my hair in to a messy ponytail. I picked up my bag and rushed downstairs, preparing to hear my mom yell at me for being so slow and making us both late.

"Sorry mom, I'm ready." I said as I breathed in much needed oxygen.

Damn I'm out of shape.

"Oh okay honey. I don't have to work today so I will just drop you off."

I frowned.

So I rushed for nothing?



My mother laughing, she listened to her usual morning gossip on the radio as I scanned through the Internet on my phone.

Sex With A Beast (Sex With A Beast Series #1)✔Where stories live. Discover now