Guren picked up the wrinkled blankets and started folding them.

He flinched as he heard a thud from Satori's bathroom.

Guren shrugged it off, thinking that something must've fallen.


Guren got concerned after Satori didn't come out of the bathroom for awhile.

Of course, he was the type that wanted to die, but he wouldn't commit suicide for something like that.

"Satou?" Guren asked as he slowly opened the door to the bathroom.

He saw Satori collapsed on the ground, struggling to breath.

"Oh shit," Guren cursed, running to pick Satori up from the ground.

He felt his forehead, and damn, he was hot.

Not sexy hot, okay?

"Oi, Satou. Wake the fuck up."

Guren shook his friend for a little bit, until his eyes slowly opened.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Guren asked, clearly mad.

"Didn't wan' to worry you," Satori replied.

Guren mentally face palmed.

"You're such an idiot. You could've at least called Erissa," Guren glared.

Satori gave Guren a sympathetic smile, and pointed at the bathroom door.

"I'm guessing you want to go to bed. Let's go," Guren said, slowly picking up Satori and walking out of the bathroom.

He placed Satori on his bed and put a blanket on top of him after a series of coughs.

"Do you have medicine anywhere?" Guren asked.

Satori slowly shook his head. "Sorry."

"No, don't fucking apologize. Its not your fault." Guren looked at Satori and smiled slightly.

Satori nodded and faced the other direction.

Guren took out his phone and started calling Erissa.

"Hello?" She answered, probably meaning she wasn't busy.

"Hey, Erissa, bad news. Satou is sick and he needs medicine because the idiot doesn't have any in his house," Guren informed.

"Eh? But didn't he heal some people at the household with medicine?" Erissa asked.

"He probably ran out if he's telling me there's none," Guren shrugged.

"Well, I guess I'll buy some medicine. Stay with him for now."

Guren hung up and looked at Satori, who was still facing the other direction.

"You're such an idiot," Guren smiled, ruffling Satori's hair.

Satori finally decided to face Guren.

"Satou, I'm going to get some water. I'll be back."

As Guren was about to leave, Satori grabbed his arm weakly.

"Stay," Satori pleaded.

Guren looked at Satori and nodded.

"Well, if you insist."

Guren sat on Satori's bed, causing Satori to look at him.

"I heard you call 'rissa, is she comin'?" Satori asked.

"Yep, so just hang tight, buddy." Guren responded.

The two stayed silent for awhile.

Satori decided he wanted to sleep, so he tugged on Guren's sweater.

"Do you want to sleep?" Guren asked.

Satori nodded.

"Then sleep, I promise I won't leave." Guren smiled, ruffling Satori's hair once more.

Satori nodded again and tried to get comfortable in his bed, despite his head and body hurting.

Maybe, being sick wasn't so bad after all.

1 | Feel Better


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