*********3 Hours Later**********

  Jason's P.O.V.

Putting down my fifth bottle of beer on the table I was leaned against, I could finally feel a buzz coming on. I was scanning the crowd looking for where Riley had run off to when my eyes landed on a tall brown haired man, but I felt something draw my gaze to his left and my breath caught in my throat. What I saw was the most handsome man I had ever seen. As I checked him out from head to toe I noticed his sleek black shoes, long muscled legs incased in dark blue jeans, that led up to well toned abs that you could practically see through the tight gray t-shirt. He had broad shoulders, a chisled jaw, defined cheekbones, ear length black hair and piercing blue eyes that had locked onto me. I was being drawn to him and the longer I stared the stronger the pull got.

I could have and probably would have stood there for hours just staring at him, but something broke whatever spell I had been under. There was someone trying to rub against the handsome man and it pissed me off. There were two things in that moment that surprised me though. The first was that I had not only noticed this man, but had been full on checking him out, and the second was that it had made me jealous to see someone else within the same vicinity as him. The urge to go over there to shove the person off of MY man was shaken away when Riley dropped his arm across my shoulders and said into my ear "You're staring pretty hard, did you find someone to go home with?" I slightly shook my head to gather my thoughts and started to turn to Riley to respond when movement out of the corner of my eye brought my attention back to the mystery man. He was shaking the person off of him while staring me down with a look I wasn't sure I wanted to analyze. I was startled to see him starting to make his way over to me with long, confident strides and a determined look on his face.

Like a bolt of lightning had hit me I turned to Riley to push him to the door before the mystery man could reach us. "What's going on man, did you see Miley over there or something?" Riley asked, looking just as confused as he sounded. "No, I just want to get out of here now." I replied, trying to keep my tone cool so as not to let on to my inner panic. There was so much going on in my head right now but the one thing that my head kept repeating was "Why the hell am I so attracted to a man when I am straight?" I went to look over my shoulder to see if I had put enough space between us and the mystery man but jumped with a start to see he was right behind me now. My mind seemed to halt as I once again got lost in those mesmerizing blue eyes, but this time there was a dazzling smile to match.

"Hello beautiful." he said as he leaned toward me I presumed to speak over the music of the club but it made me shiver none the less. I could feel my eyes beginning to flutter closed just from having him so close to me but i was jostled by Riley as he yanked me back from the mystery man. As I was turning to look at Riley to question him there was a low snarl I could feel more than hear and I turned to the mystery man to find his eyes narrowed on Riley's hand on my shoulder. I subtly moved so there was no more contact between Riley and I and then looked up at the mystery man with a perplexed face. "Why in the world do I care if my being close to my best friend hurt this mans feelings?" Poor Riley seems to be completly clueless as to what is going on but I must admit I was just as confused, if not more because of the feelings going on within myself.

"Hi." I practically whispered, it came out so low I would be surprised if he even heard me. "What the fuck is my problem?! Why did my stomach flutter from this man calling me beautiful? Even if I was gay, I don't even know his name." My internal monologue was interrupted by a deep chuckle that sent a pleasant shiver down going down my spine. I looked up at said mystery man to see a sparkle in his eyes and a confident smirk on his lips. "My name is Alexander, what's yours beautiful?" I flushed red to the tips of my ears at the endearment and practically stuttered out "Jason." while looking down at my toes. "Where the hell is this shyness coming from?! I am most definitely not a shy person by nature, so why is this man making me blush like a school girl?" I was pulled from my thoughts once again by the mystery man, well I guess not a mystery anymore, in name anyway. He was pulling my chin up by the tips of his fingers to look into his eyes as he said "Do not look away from me beautiful, I want to see your gorgeous eyes."

"They're just plain brown eyes, nothing like yours, I could stare into them all day." I sigh dreamily. "What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I flirting with this man? I'm straight for crying out loud!" This time I was pulled from my thoughts by Riley who cleared his throat, quirked an eyebrow, and said "What the hell is even happening right now?!" I barely managed to tear my eyes away from Alexander to look at Riley to mutter in the same perplexed tone "I don't even know." ending with a long sigh. An equally long and slightly sad sigh pulled my attention back to Alexandxer to see a sad look on his face that seemed to morph into a determined look the longer I stared.

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