Chapter 15

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When I opened my eyes, a scream pierced through my lips. Austin leaped up beside me with a startled look as Maria opened the door. I stared at them for a few seconds until I realized the searing pain from the darkness hadn't left. It was more intense where Cass had stabbed my stomach and I stared down at my stomach seeing I was wearing a shirt, but it had been pulled up enough to reveal the bandages that swarmed my stomach. I gently placed my right hand on it as Austin pulled my hand away.

"Don't touch your wound. It could reopen and you'll be in even more pain." Austin spoke.

"Austin, may I speak to you alone?" Maria asked with a clipped tone.

Austin looked at me and then at Maria as if torn between his friend and his wife. I nodded my head gently to tell him to go and he stood. I noticed his right arm was in a sling to help his shoulder heal from Cass's attack. I sat up with a soft groan of pain and watched Maria nod quickly to me before Austin and she left the room. I toned out their conversation while I began to unwrap the bandages. How long was I out and how extensive was the damages?

"Oh my lord! April, what the heck are you doing?" Levy yelled as she walked into the room from the door on the other side.

She was at my side in a split second and had my hands in one of her hands while she pushed me back onto the bed and looked around frantically. Her yelling caused Maria and Austin to return, and they immediately rushed over with shock in their eyes. Austin immediately tried to put the bandages completely back on, but I had pulled them off enough to reveal the gauzes spread across where the knife had dug its way into my stomach. Maria moved Austin out of the way before she lifted me up and rolled her eyes.

"She needs new dressing on her wounds anyways." Maria grumbled.

"Can I help?" Austin asked his wife.

"No. Now make sure Zackery is learning how to talk. I don't want Joshua watching over my son with how much profanity slips out of that mouth of his." She grumbled.

Austin nodded and left as Maria began to remove the bandages the rest of the way. I laid there watching as Maria began to peel back the gauze to reveal the stab wound. It looked almost healed, but I could see the skin over the wound was a dark pink as if it had scabbed over and begun healing on its own. Maria looked shocked too as if she had never seen someone heal like this before. Levy's grip loosened on my hands and I immediately sat up and touched the wound gently, only wincing slightly as I neared the middle where the dark pink was more of a mix between my reddish-orange blood and the dark pink of the scab. Before I could speak, my head began to pound, and I clenched my teeth.

"April are you okay?" Maria asked, her voice sounding distant.

I could feel the warmth of blood at my fingers and watched as blood began to protrude from the wound and seep down my fingers. My vision was becoming black as I began to sway from the dizziness that accompanied the darkness.

I could faintly make out Austin yelling for me to keep my eyes open before I felt and heard nothing. I couldn't see and nothing in my body seemed to work.


"Ah, she wakes." A voice that sounded familiar spoke.

"Sir, are you saying such a little girl could possibly contain so much of the ancients in her without being consumed by them?" A woman's voice spoke.

"Such a child could not exist, but if that child was born of the blood ties to the ancients, then yes. Such a girl could exist in such precisely accurate measures." Michael's voice spoke.

"So, you are to tell me, Sarah O'Neil gave up her daughter to the ancients in exchange for the power to stop us?" The woman's voice asked noticeably with a British accent.

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