Chapter 8

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As I opened my eyes, I could feel the weight of chains holding my arms up. In front of me was the dark room Michael had injected me with the yellow substance that Drake had once injected me with. Out of the shadows walked Michael with Martha and Rick. None of them seemed to realize I was even awake just yet. Time to work on an escape plan that wouldn't involve someone coming and saving me again. I could easily kill Michael, Rick, and Martha, but my body felt weaker than normal. I'd have to get out without being caught. It was just a matter of getting free of the chains. I glanced at the ends of the chains to find they were connected to a piece of wood poorly nailed into the sides of the walls. I grimaced with effort as I pulled on the chain just enough that the wood creaked.

"Did you hear that, Michael?" Rick spoke.

"No, but if you think you heard something, go check it out." Michael spoke.

I closed my eyes and immediately hung my head as if I was still asleep. I couldn't let them find out I was planning my escape just yet. I could hear Rick walk towards me and within a few seconds I could smell the musty odor of death and blood that hung around him. He let out a sigh of dissatisfaction before heading back to Michael and Martha.

The second I heard them start talking again, I opened my eyes and pulled on the chains with as much strength as I could muster. There were two creaks before the sound of something breaking was heard. I fell onto my hands and knees with a muffled grunt of pain before I sat up and glanced around. I saw the keys sitting just in front of me and quickly picked up the chains that still hung from my wrists.

"Are you sure you heard something again, Rick?" Martha asked with an annoyed tone.

"Positive. I swear I heard the racket of chains moving and the only person we have here that has chains on is April." Rick spoke.

I could hear them coming closer and I hastily grabbed the keys and began to stick each key into the lock on the chains. They were coming closer to me, but I couldn't find the right key. It was down to three keys and from the sound of it, I only had enough time to try one key before hastily making my way to the only spot I could make it too in enough time to hide from them.

Grabbing the middle key, I stuck it into the lock and twisted it clockwise. Almost immediately, it unlocked, and I tore it off. I placed the keys back before hiding the chains in a drawer of the table in front of me. I could hear their footsteps coming closer as well as their voices. They were almost here. I rushed over to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. I glanced around the hall before glancing behind me and slipping out of the room. I quietly closed the door before looking around and taking off down the hall. I had no clue whether I was going the right way or not. All I knew was I had to get as far away as possible before they came after me.

I turned around the corner only to run right into a door. I blinked a few times as I slowly stood up. This door was different from the others up and down the hall. The others were pitch black from what I could see under the doors, but this one was bright and filled with sunlight from underneath the door. I glanced around as the sound of footsteps suddenly entered my range of hearing. I quickly pulled open the doors and ran through them. The second I was through, I quickly closed the door as quietly as possible only to squint as sunlight streamed through windows. I was almost out of the vampire lair at least.

A vampire was sitting down at the front desk, and I took a deep breath. I'd have to knock him out without being caught or getting into a fight with him. I needed to get past him, but I also needed to get money to get a phone. If I was right, this vampire had money, probably enough to buy a disposable phone, but who was I going to call? I couldn't call Rick or Martha since they betrayed me. I didn't want to call Kayla since she'd throw a fit and probably would run over here. I could try to call Jason's dorm phone, but I'd have to call the college and who knows what Jason or Kayla told them to hide the fact the vampires kidnapped me yet again. Ugh, why was this so difficult for me to do?

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