Chapter 13

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I woke up to rain drops landing on my face and blinked a few times. I had been traveling what I assumed to be south for a few days now. Damien and the others never followed me, and I had to survive in the forest without any help. It was difficult since the vampires would appear in the forest every now and then searching for something or rather someone, probably me. Hunting in this forest was difficult since the only animals that are out here were barely fit for a meal for me, but I made due with what I had.

I sighed and stretched warily as I looked at the bones of the rabbits I had ripped apart last night. I had to eat them in my tiger form which seemed to be easier than trying to eat the meat with the fur attached to it in my human form. I still had a bad taste in my mouth from the rabbits. I stood warily and walked out from behind the bushes I had used to hide behind last night. The rain didn't seem to help me follow the scents I had been following as well as the sky. I couldn't see the sun or the stars with these dark gray clouds in the way.

I snapped my head in the direction of a snapped twig before quickly ducking back behind the bushes I had slept behind last night. I held my breath as two people walked past. One stopped from the sound of it before they opened their mouth. I froze with anger as I heard the voice of Peter. No one in my birth family was worth looking out for. Martha and Rick lied to me, James and Sarah were the only ones who cared for me, Peter obviously hated me due to how he treated me when we first met and every single time afterwards, and Michael didn't really want me as his daughter; just his little test subject.

"Are you sure she would have headed this way? Wouldn't she had decided to take a car instead?" Peter asked with an annoyed tone as if he was upset being out in the rain looking for me.

"Of course she would. She's smarter than you give her credit for as it is. She would have known we would have checked all vehicles until we found her, plus the only possible way out of the forest area would have been to that hotel where we found the other Tiger-humans. Since they were the witches' Tiger-humans, we had no chose but to turn them over to the coven at the Secluded Forest University." Martha's voice spoke.

The Secluded Forest University? That's in the whole opposite direction of where I was heading! Just why were they hanging around that hotel room for so long? Were they trying to get themselves caught? I'm just lucky no one died. I clenched my jaw as I waited for their footsteps to recede before crawling out of the bushes and changing forms. As I finished changing forms, Michael walked down the path towards me and stopped. He stared at me with a look of shock while I glared at him with a growl.

My eyes widened as he lunged towards me with his fangs bared. I clumsily backed up and ended up pinning myself against the tree. I let out a growl towards him as I glanced around trying to find a way out. I frowned when I couldn't find a way out besides turning my back and climbing the tree, which I wasn't about to do. That would just leave me open to his attack from behind. Taking a deep breath, I took a stance where all my paws were firmly placed on the ground as I lashed my tail slowly and lowered my head, growling with my muzzle partly opened to reveal my sharp teeth.

Michael didn't seem to be even phased by my sudden defensive position but chuckled to himself before lunging. I slashed at him as his teeth came close to my paw. He backed up screaming and holding his face as I took this opportunity to climb up the tree quickly, ignoring my paw which hurt to walk on. I quickly shifted back once I was far enough in the tree that my tiger form would no longer be supported and looked at my hand.

Blood was swelling up from a small nick on my palm. The blood wasn't the dark red of normal blood, but rather a sickeningly light scarlet color, closer towards the shade of orange. My breathe caught in my throat as I quickly tore my shirt at the hem and wrapped my hand up. Carefully, I began to crawl across the branch until I could see the branch from the next tree that had intertwined with the branch from this tree. I could tell the branch wouldn't support me much longer, so I took a deep breath and leaped from the tree, hoping I wouldn't land on the ground.

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