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"Then why didn't you come back?"


He hung his head in shame.

"I... I was afraid."

"Of what?" I'm trying to understand this side of the story after so long of only knowing what I felt.

"That you'd hate me, and I can't deal with the fact that you would ever hate me and I'm so so so sorry, John-"

"Stop with the apologies! You already know that I've forgiven you. Just tell me what happened?" I say. I have so many conflicting emotions. Pure joy from seeing him again, anger because he never came back, and worry because I don't know what's happened to him in the past year.

"I-I came here, and nothing went the way I planned. Nothing was what I thought it would be like. It was so much harder for me to do anything, especially because I was alone and couldn't seem to make any friends. My-my grades began slipping and eventually by the end of the year, I-I'd failed my classes. I didn't have any clue where to go, and I couldn't do anything and I was way way way too scared to come back home. I couldn't face you, or anyone else back home with them knowing I'd failed."

He lifts his head and I come to realize how much of a broken mess we both are, and how much work it will take to put us together again.

"I hate myself. I couldn't do it. I disapointed everyone."

Once those words exit his mouth I can hear my heart shatter.

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll be fine, we'll figure this out, okay? Everything will make sense and everything will be fine." I say, words spilling out of my mouth at an uneven rate. I'm not sure what to say, I just want him to be happy.

"We'll be fine." I reiterate, brushing hair out of his face.

Let's just forget that it's been five months since I've updated.

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