Chapter 14: Tournament of Fate, 2

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"Lux, get ready to shoot her down!" Deus shouted.

"Roger," he replied from a screen by Deus's face.

"Don't make it sound so scary!! Uwa-!!" I ducked as a laser beam shoot above my head. "Hey!!!"

All's fair in love and war girl~

Did you just ref-

Eyes on the fight!

I swooped down onto the ground to avoid the Lux's sniper fire, but Deus easily managed to chase after me. Their Mech suits were really something.

I ran towards some back alleys with a lot of turns and tried to shake him off, but his suit must've had a tracker, which made it easy for him to find me. I had to come up with a plan-

"Gotcha!" Deus shouted and slammed to ground with his blade, launching me backwards. "Lux! Now!!"

A beam shot straight towards me, and Deus was charging towards me to finish me off... no way-

Hang on, I'm taking over!


Reversed repel-shield raised in the front, absorption circle above... done. The beam hit the absorption circle, energy absorbed. Deus hit the shields and threw me back. Blade formed with energy from shot... fire.

The blade shot towards Deus, direct hit. Time for a counter attack. Repel-circles raised above him. I leapt onto them and shot upwards while using my wings, at the same time slamming Deus to the ground. I flew towards Lux, dodged six consecutive shots and blocked two... Burst forwards, sword changed to scythe...

Right before Lux, distance less than 1 metre. Direct hit~

The hits almost depleted both their shields... time to end it. Repel-circle raised above Lux, I struck the circle, sending him crashing right into Deus. Total annihilation.


Did you have to think in a mix of active and passive...?

Come on, I helped you, and I don't even get a thanks?

Alright, thanks.

And uh... that style just seemed a little fun, I wanted to try it out. Ya know, Vilce is right. You should use your powers more often.

I guess...

I stood up, very slightly dazed from the transition. There were two more members of their team... I had to take care of them first. I flew back into the air and checked for nearby soul signatures, once I located the nearest (they were just a few blocks away and one of them was definitely Raan's) and I flew towards them.

Fortunately, when I got there, the fight was almost done already. The 'tank', Terra was already getting exhausted from fighting three people at once, and the 'buffer', Hera was getting tired from defending and buffing. They must've not expected the three of them to last that long...

Of course not, one's a partial Dragonsoul, another's the third strongest summoner you know and then there's your girlfriend who could fight against the second strongest summoner you know. Hello?

It was rhetorical!

"Rose!" Raan voiced. "You won against them?"

"Yep. Now, let's take care of these two."

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