The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

Start from the beginning

"Like you're one to talk! At least I can maintain a relationship! No one would ever want one with a bitch like you! All you are is a good fuck!" I hear Ally yell and I am completely shocked and I can tell Normani is too because she hasn't moved or said anything.

"Allyson! That was completely uncalled for! What the hell is the matter with you!" I say moving to come between them before Normani snaps back to reality and tries to strangle Allyson.

"Normani I think you should leave." I say and that snaps her out of her shock.


"I think it would just be better if you left." I say and she clenches her jaw and says,


"I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Whatever." She says and then turns to leave, but she turns back around to say.

"Oh, and hobbit. You were right about one thing. I am a GREAT fuck…Maybe that's why YOUR girlfriend keeps coming back for more." Then she walks off. I turn to Ally and she's glaring at me.

"You had sex! With her!"

"I…yeah." I say quietly while looking down.

"I can't believe this! How could you do this Lauren! Haven't I been attentive? I thought we were doing well. I haven't even looked at another woman. I've been putting so much effort into changing for you and you do this. I…I just…why?"

"I…I'm sorry Ally. I just…I don't know okay? I'm sorry."

"All you can say is you don't know?"

"What do want me to say Ally? Do you want me to say that this has been going on for months and one of you got me pre-" Fuck! I clamp my hand over my mouth to stop my frustrated rant but it's too late.

"What? Months? And…What?" Shit. I really didn't want to tell her like this but I don't have any other choice.

"I…I'm pregnant." I say and she stares at me wide eyed.

"Wha…What? Are you sure?" she asks,

"That's why I went to the doctor today. I'm almost 10 weeks."

"Is…is it hers?" she quietly asks.

"I don't know." I say shaking my head. She stands there silently for a while before running a hand over her face and saying,

"I…I can't handle this right now." then she turns to leave but I grab her wrist.

"Ally wait…I'm sorry." I say and she sighs,

"Is that it?" she says.

"Ally please forgive me I'm sorry. I ended that with her when we got back together but something...I don't know I couldn't stay away from her like that."

"Lauren, I can forgive you for your infidelity, because god knows how many times I've broken your trust and you've taken me back. But I need to know you're committed to this relationship."

"I am. Ally I'm sorry. I'll do whatever you want me to if I can make this right."

"…I don't want you to see Normani anymore." She says and I feel my eyes go wide.

"What? You can't…I can see her if I want to!"

"Not if you want this relationship to work Lauren. You just said you couldn't stay away from her sexually…How can I trust you to be alone with her?"

"I-I wont be alone with her then! Dinah or Camila will be with us!"

"How would I know you're not lying?"

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