“Awe poor you, but I wasn’t talking about your book bag I was talking about the luggage under your eyes. Looks like you stayed awake whole night.” He touched the pad of his thumb to my cheek and lightly ran his thumb under my eye.

“Oh… I couldn’t sleep.” I said, pulling away from him. This was beyond uncomfortable.

“Bad dreams about what happened to you at the store?” He asked as he pulled his hand back and looked worriedly at me.

Not wanting to look like more of the freak I was starting to feel like, I just nodded. There was no way I was going to tell Kyle about the weird dreams I was having.

He looked sad and he leaned in for a hug, but was luckily interrupted by the teacher walking in. I didn’t show how relieved I was that we were interrupted before Kyle could try anything, I was still weird around him, not to mention Ethan was sitting right behind us. Stop it, he didn't care, so why should I.

I glanced back and looked at him, and he had a deadpan look on his face, staring straight ahead of him. If it wasn't for the slight twitch in his jaw I would have thought he was a statue. I turned my attention to the front and concentraited on the board.

The lesson was boring as usual and I managed to catch up on whatever equations I missed out on.

When it was over I gathered my things and raced to the door, but was stopped by Jonathan.

“Hey Vi, can I talk to you for a second?”

“erm sure… What’s up?”

“How are you?”

“Erm… great I guess. How are you?”

“I’m okay, but you look like you could use a nights rest. Trouble sleeping? Any weird dreams?” Okay, just how bad did I look. Note to self: Check yourself in a mirror.

“I guess… why do you want to know? Do I look that bad?”

“No, no reason. I was just wondering. You seemed a bit on the tired side this morning.” Oh lordy, seriously how bad do I look. If I hear You look bad and you look tired one more time i'm going to scream.

“Well being shot and then waking for a month long coma will do that to you.” I snapped at him frustraited with all the sleep deprivation  crap that was being slung my way today.

“Oh… right, sorry. I forgot about the shooting thing.” He gave a sheepish smile and I immediately felt horrible for snapping at him.

“It’s okay Jonathan, ya I have been having trouble sleeping lately and I’m sorry for snapping at you, I’m just tired.”

He nodded and looked at me like he expected more but I wasn’t going to tell him about the weird dreams of people dying, no way. I’ve already been stamped as the freak that got shot and survived and I won’t be engraving that title by admitting I’m dreaming about people dying.

The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now