Chronicals of the Van Der Richesse's and Evans'

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Another school assesment :D The other one was rubbish but i like this one x Still not entirely completed i'm editing chapter 3 atm xxxx

Enjoy x



Ashley and Justin were always together, hanging out, at the park or out seeing a film. They had gone to school together and had both gone to the same college. They had always been happy. But then Justin had told Ashley he was leaving. No explanation. No information. No definite contact details. Just " Goodbye." The Van Der Richesses and the Evans had been friends for generations, but that would all change now that Justin had moved away.

Justin was gone. It was certain that he was gone because Ashley had seen him go, she'd said good-bye and she'd waved, like this whole event wasn't ripping her apart. She was loosing her best friend. His house was still there and so was the doorman but Justin was gone. The whole city knew he was gone. Justin Evans was gone and it did not seem like he would ever come back. Nobody knew where the Evans had gone except those they had taken with them and their very close and trusted friends. Ashley Van Der Richesse knew where Justin was heading. She knew that Justin's family was headed to the Barton Hills, Michigan. Ashley knew that was far away from Hewitt Bay Park, New York, which is where they had both lived since they were born.

Chapt. 1

Ashley had to get on with life and act the normal teenage girl, with a surprising (or unnatural as Justin had told her) willingness to get out of bed in the mornings, she was before Justin left, even though she was feeling woebegone on the inside. Like every Saturday, Ashley had commitments she had charity events to plan and friends to meet up with.

On Saturday mornings Ashley, went shopping with Madison. Their friendship had started around the same time as Ashley's friendship with Justin. However, she had never been as close to Madison. There was just something weird about her.

Sometimes, Ashley thought she saw something in Madison's eyes. Maybe it was jealousy or dislike, but occasionally when Ashley saw it she felt threatened maybe even a little scarred. It seemed like Madison was plotting against Ashley. Like she would do anything to dethrone Ashley. Even, if Ashley was actually genuine royalty and not just within school, committing treason. But Ashley felt sure that this could not be. She was sure she was imagining it.

On their shopping trips Ashley and Madison went to the Manhattan Mall, which was just across the street from Macy's. When they got there they spent most of their time trying on clothes. Nice clothes, mostly. Sometimes Madison chose the most hideous things for Ashley to try on. This time it was the most hideous yellow calf length dress. It had a fur trim and sheer loose sleeves. It was one of the worst dresses that Ashley had seen. She took it off and brought some of the cute, preppy clothes that she would actually wear. She also bought a cute black dress that looked very pretty even though she also knew she would probably never wear it unless she was going to a really formal dinner or a funeral.

On Saturday afternoons Ashley had 'me time'. This usually was the time she used to check her facebook and emails. Ashley looked at Justin's facebook wall. She saw that he hadn't put a new status on it since he left. Everything was a bit suspicious. Justin was on facebook 24/7.

To her consternation a picture of her in the hideous yellow dress was on the facebook for all of her friends to see, the caption was Merry X-mas from Ashley Van Der Richesse . It would be a matter of hours, or minutes before Ashley's mother saw this. Ashley knew that was when the trouble would start.

Ashley decided to stay in her room, painting her nails and tidying her already spotless room, doing things she didn't need to do to pass the time. She wondered what her mother would say and how she would be punished.' Maybe she'll let me off with and just tell me to never to be caught on camera wearing such an............

"ASHLEY, come down stairs now please!" Ashley's mother was not very happy. You could hear it.

"Coming, Mother." Ashley rushed down the stairs, towards the sitting room and she knew that she would not be let off easily this time.

"How could you do this to me again? This will be all over the newspapers tomorrow. Oh, Ashley, why? ", her mother sighed. She couldn't choose a punishment for Ashley. Ashley's mother was easy to read like an open book. Ashley could tell she was torn between two punishments.

" I am really, really sorry mother. I don't know who took that picture. I never knew it was being taken"

"Oh, Ashley you do know who did this. I read it in your diary."

"I don't know who did it. Wait did you just say you read my diary? I do have a right to privacy! That is disgraceful, you're disgraceful! You had no right to do tha-"

"Shhh. Ashley, would you mind telling me who Nicholas is?"

"That is none of your business! Are you going to punish me or not?"

"Oh, yes. Well, my other stylist , Alicia will be styling your outfits from now on."

"But, Mum."

"Ashley, You know that Madison did this, and so do I but if you refuse to acknowledge that, well..."

" I have to go." Ashley got up and walked out of the room. She had a feeling her mother was right. She had a nagging feeling that Madison was hiding the evil side of her.

Ashley logged straight into facebook when she was back in her room. She searched for Madison Parker and found the right page. She wrote down the web address and opened a new tab. She went to the facebook site and logged in as Madison. Everybody knew her email address it was : and her password wasn't hard to guess. It only took three tries. Normally it took Ashley nine or ten times to guess someone's password.

The first try was: PrettyMe, it sounds silly but this had been her password from when they were nine or ten.

The second try was: IWantPower, it sounds silly but this was something Madison was always saying.

By the third try Ashley was bored and tried something even she didn't think would work. It was: ILoveMe

To Ashley's surprise it actually worked and she had access to all of Madison's messages. She scrolled through the sent messages . They were mostly insults and some semi-scandalous messages to a number of different people.

Ashley thought. She knew this would never be enough.

"If only Justin were here. He would know what to do," Ashley muttered to herself.

It was then that the pain of losing her best friend started to pull Ashley to even smaller pieces. She missed Justin more than she had let people know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2010 ⏰

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