Chapter 14

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Libra went back to the Air palace to continue baking cake. She stood at the front gate and the guards opened it. She stepped into the palace and smelt something.

"What's this smell? It's like something burning. Let me think... Oh god!" said Libra and ran to the kitchen. She tried opening the door but it was locked from the inside. Libra knocked the door.

"Gem, Aqua, is everything okay?"shouted Libra.

"Yes. Everything is just fine."shouted Gemini while dealing with the burnt cake. Libra sighed and teleported into the room.

"I knew this would happen. Leaving it to you two...What?!?!" yelled Libra as she saw the oven caught on fire. "Are you trying burn down the whole kitchen? Get out, you two!" She pushed Gemini and Aquarius out of the kitchen and used her powers to deoxygenate the room. Then, the fire went off. The two air signs were trembling of fear when Libra turned around.

"I thought I could count on you. I'm so disappointed. I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't get here in time. What if I'm gone forever? Will you two be able to handle everything? You know we're in a big trouble. " said Libra and walked away.

"Wait! What do you mean?" said Gemini.

"You know the reason. Try to live on your own, okay?" said Libra and continued to walk.

"Gem, do you know what she meant by 'gone forever'?" said Aquarius.

"I don't know. I think she's just teaching us." said Gemini and shrugged. "Let's clean up the mess." said Aquarius. And they both clean up the kitchen.

Three years later...I'm just kidding.😅Three hours later...

"Finally. I can breathe again." said Gemini while taking a seat.

"I've never saw Libra this angry before." said Aquarius while sitting next to Gemini.

"Yeah, me too. But, if I were in her place, I might have reacted worse." said Gemini and laughed.

"Yeah. By the way, I'm going out." said Aquarius and stood up.

"Where? Ooh. I see. To your..."

"Shhhh. What if someone's listening?" said Aquarius while closing Gemini's mouth.

"Okay. Bye." said Gemini and waved. Aquarius left the Air palace.


Aquarius stood at the front gate of the Earth palace. The guards opened the gate and he entered. He walked through the hallway and reached Capricorn's room. He knocked on the door and Capricorn opened it.

"Hey, Cappy." said Aqaurius and waved.

"Oh hi, Aqua. What brings you here?" said Capricorn and let Aquarius in.

" heart of course." said Aquarius with his palm on his chest.

"Okay then." said Capricorn and pushed Aquarius onto her bed. Then, she jumped onto him.

"You're not going to do that, are you?" said Aquarius with wide eyes.

"What if my answer is yes?" said Capricorn while running her finger on Aquarius' shirt.


"Boys are all simpletons and perverted. Tsk tsk tsk." said Capricorn and got out of bed. Aquarius sat up and grabbed  Capricorn's hand. He pulled it and she was sitting next to him on the bed. Aquarius leaned in for a kiss. Capricorn cupped Aquarius' face and kisses him back.

"You are so sweet, Cappy or can I call you 'Sweet corn'?" said Aquarius while blushing red.

"Of course, A.Q." said Capricorn and smiled.

"A.Q? That's a nice nickname though." said Aquarius and smiled.


Libra went to her room and sat on her bed. She was feeling bad for her friends. She checked the time. 4:00 p.m. Time to go. she thought and teleported.

She got into a forest. It was dark but you can still see everything. In front of her was a huge palace with spikes on the top. She walked closer to it and stopped when she reached the gate. The guards opened the gate for her and she entered. The maids led her to the throne room where the king was.

"Welcome, my daughter. And also thank you for your big help." said Ophiuchus.

"Of course, father. I'm glad to help you." said Libra with a straight face. Ophiuchus walked towards Libra and put his hands on her shoulders.

"I have a problem. They increased the security system. It's hard for me to capture more." said Libra.

"Don't worry. I have a solution." said Ophiuchus and reached for his pockets. He took out a glass bottle and handed it to Libra. Libra took it and observed.

"What is this?" as he Libra in confusion.

"This is the invisibility potion. The effect lasts for half an hour. Apply it on your hand. One drop per use." explained Ophiuchus.

"Okay. Thank you. I guess I should go back now." said Libra and put it into her pocket.

"Bye. See you, my daughter." said Ophiuchus. Libra teleported back to her room. She locked her door making sure that no one enters her room. She took out the bottle and placed it in the drawer of the dressing table. She went into the bathroom and took off her clothes. She went into the shower and turned on the water to maximum. Her tears flowed down her cheeks as the water flowed down her body to the drain. She turned off  the tap and got out of the shower. She wiped away her tears. She changed her clothes and walked to the balcony. She sat on the chair looking at the sunset view until she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" shouted Libra.

"It's Gemini." said Gemini and Libra walked to the door unlocking it.

"Hi, Libra." said Gemini and waved cheerfully.

"Hi." said Libra and gave a weak smile.

"It's time for dinner." said Gemini.

"Sorry. I don't feel like eating."

"Why? Are you okay?" said Gemini with a worried face.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just....I'm not really hungry."

"Okay. Tell me if you're hungry. I can prepare for you."

"I'm afraid you're going to burn the whole palace this time." said Libra and they both laughed.

"Okay. Bye." said Gemini and left. Libra just waved. She closed the door and leaned on it. She sighed to the thought of capturing her friends. Is this what I wanted? Helping him by capturing my friends. She thought to herself.

Hi, readers! I'm so glad to see you again. And thank you for reading. Don't forget to hit the star 🌟and comment!

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