Chapter 3

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Libra was in her room browsing facebook. Then, she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it?"shouted Libra.

"It's me, Leo."

"Oh. Come in. The door is unlocked."

Leo opened the door and walked towards Libra. Then, she sat beside Libra on the bed. She took a peek at what Libra was doing.

"What are you doing, Libra?"

"Just posting some photos on Facebook. You remember when we had a party last week, right?"

"Of course, Lib. That was so awesome!"



"I feel so bored." said Leo.

"Yeah, me too." agreed Libra.

"Hey, why don't we have a pool party?" suggested Scorpio.

"That's not a bad idea but you guys better not make it too messy." said Capricorn.

"Yay! Let's do that!" said Leo and Libra while high-fiving.

Gemini, Pisces and Cancer went to the store to buy things for the party. Libra, Leo and Capricorn arranged the party room. Sagittarius and Aries chose which songs to play and set the speakers. Taurus,Virgo and Aquarius was preparing some snacks and Scorpio went out to buy some cakes.

Everything was ready and the zodiacs changed their clothes into swimsuits. Cancer turned on the coloured lights and Sagittarius started the music.

The pool had a shallow end that went up to their waists and it got deeper to the opposite end.

Cancer and Taurus were splashing water at each other in the shallow end. Scorpio was sitting on a chair with Virgo and Aquarius. The others were swimming around. Libra was swimming in the deepest end. Then, someone pulled her leg  underwater.

Libra panicked for a while. She made an air bubble around her and flew out of the pool into the air. Then, she saw Gemini with her hand gripping her ankle.


"It was fun!"

"What? You almost drowned me."

"I didn't mean to pull you very long."

"You shocked me. Let me test if it is fun or not." Libra replied with an evil grin on her face.

"What the.... Ahh!!" Gemini said.

Libra dived into the water and grabbed Gemini's ankle. She dragged Gemini  underwater and let go after 10 seconds.

"It was awesome yet scary." said Gemini while shaking a bit.

"Then, don't do it again."

"Okay. I will listen to you." replied Gemini  and went out of the pool and headed to the table to have some snacks.

A few minutes later, Libra also got out of the pool. She took a towel and wrapped around her body. She decided to take some photos.

She grabbed her phone from the table and began to take photos of everyone.

End of flashback~~

"I didn't know that you took photos!" said Leo with a surprised tone.

"Of course you don't. You were just staring at your Aries."

"How did did you know that?" said Leo with her eyes widened.

"Duh. Just admit that you like him, okay?"

"But I'm too shy."

"WHAT?!?! Where did the confident cocky fabulous Leo go? Are you having a fever? Let me check." said Libra as she put her hand on Leo's forehead.

"It's normal. Leo, tell me. You like him or not?"

"Of course I like him."

"Then, why don't you tell him your feelings?"

"I told you. I am just too shy and what if he loves someone else?"

"But if you don't tell him, he will never know that you love him. You should at least try. I am here to encourage you. Go for it!"

"Okay. I will try that."

"Yeah. Fighting!!" said Libra and Leo went back to her room.

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