Chapter 3: Worst Idea Ever

Start from the beginning

          ''Now, just give them back, if you will,'' White requested nicely, hiding his anger very well. ''What we write and draw is none of your business.''

         Maddie was surprised and embarrassed by her son's smarts and sass. But she ultimately ignored it.

         ''If Fentard and Tone Deaf are so smart, what do they say,'' Dash asked.

         He insults White by calling him Tone Deaf. White spends a lot of time on his headphones s he can escape the world, and to give strength to his siren side. Music is his true passion, but it only gives Dash amo to try and crush him. He calls his that to insult his taste in music.

          Mr.Lancer cleared his throat, looking at the papers. He completely ignored the protests from the twins. 

Danny's- ''The piercing cry that feeds on pain,

and leaves more sorrow than it gains.

Shall now be heard by one who seeks,

to stop the havoc that it wreaks.''

White's- ''Oh lights go down

In the moment we're lost and found

I just wanna be by your side

If these wings could fly

For the rest of our lives.''

         Danny was hitting his head repeatedly on his desk. White was trying to hide behind his hands. Tucker, Sam, and Valerie also seemed embarrassed at this. But they seemed more like they wanted to kill the adults.

         Mr.Lancer was surprised by the poetry the two boys were able to create, let alone that they had written it in Latin. But he felt the awkwardness in the air and gave them back their papers. He and Maddie went back to the front of the class.

         ''Well, class, we are going on a field trip and I asked the Fentons to supervise,'' their teacher said.

          ''If Jack's going, then we must be going to the Fudge Emporium,'' Tucker joked, making them snicker as they tried to hold in their laughter.

          ''Where are we going,'' Kwan asked.

          ''We are going to the Ghost Zone,'' Mr.Lancer answered.

         The five teen in back all froze. The rest of the class was in ah that they were going to the place where all the ghosts, of their town, come from. The other five had the exact opposite thought, looking at each other.

         ''We're all dead,'' they agreed.

                                                     *****Line Break*****

         ''The Ghost Zone,'' Danny freaked. ''Of all places, they had to pick the Ghost Zone. They couldn't pick the zoo, or any other normal field trip place.''

          ''Calm down, Danny,'' Jazz tells him.

         They met up with the eldest Fenton after school. They were in Danny's room, trying to figure out what to do.

          ''And they couldn't have picked a worse time,'' White says. ''Half the Mystic Isles will be there for the celebration. Not to mention all the ghosts that either hate or like us.''

          After the first year of fighting ghosts and monsters, they discovered something new about the Ghost Zone. It's original name was the Isle of Ghosts. It's one of many magical rhelms. Yeah, you heard me, magic. Ghosts are magical, not scientific. They're a part of a place called the Mystic Isles, a world of floating islands where all magical creatures and beings live. 

         The Ghost Zone is different because new ghosts are always bring created. So their isle was made into an infinite rhelm where the only way in was through teleportation and portals. Plus the doors the ghosts use for their own lairs or time portals.

         ''We just need to keep on our toes,'' Valerie says.

          ''Trust me when we say we won't be anything else but fully aware of our situations,'' White said.

           ''I'm gonna come with you guys, just to be another set of eyes in there,'' Jazz told them. ''Mom and dad will just think their daughter is interested in ghost hunting. For scientists, they have no idea what goes on right under their noses.''

          ''They have lost all rights to the term 'genius' when they thought this field was a good idea,'' Danny says. ''This is the worst idea they've ever had. And that says a lot.''

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