Part 8- A month later.

Start from the beginning

''When are Felicia and Trevor coming?'' I asked Skylar as we both grabbed some boxes from the backseat.

''Trevor is here in a couple minutes and Felicia was coming around 6.'' She said and I looked at my watch.

''It's 4;30 already.'' I sighed.

''I'm so tired.'' I added and she chuckled.

''Before you know it you're in Demi's arms.'' With a huge smirk on her face.

''At what time is she coming anyway?'' She added and I smiled at her.

''She is here in..'' I began and looked at my watch again.

''Right now.'' I simply stated and we both looked behind us. Not seeing or hearing anyone I opened the door and we both walked in.

''Traffic is being a bitch right now. So she'll be here soon.'' I said and together we walked to the kitchen to place the boxes on the kitchen counter.

''I want to know how Evelyn is doing..'' Skylar sighed and sat down at the kitchen bar.

''I do too, but for now it's whatever.'' I said and grabbed myself a drink.

''Do you want a drink?'' I asked her and she shook her head no.

''Forreal, I just want to kill Danté.'' She said while her voice still relatively calm.

''Don't let it get to you, sis.'' I felt sorry for Skylar, because she hates seeing Evelyn like this. It has been going on for not so long, but I feel like it's just something that will fly away.

''I definitely will let it get to me.'' She said doing the exact opposite of what I would do. As always.

''Didn't expect anything else from you.'' I chuckled and I saw this really was bothering her.

''Hey don't worry, Sky.'' I said and walked up to her. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she wrapped hers around my waist.

''Seriously. Don't.'' I whispered and she let out a deep breath. Wondering how long she held that one in.

''I don't want to lose her.''

''You're not. I'll make sure of it.'' I said and I meant it. I wasn't going to let anything happen to my family. Not my mother, not Skylar and definitely not Evelyn.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I slowly pulled away from her.

''It's going to be okay.'' I said.

''I love it when you say that.'' She laughed and I shook my head pushing her away slightly.

''Pull yourself together Serrano. You look terrible being on the edge of crying.'' I joked and a silent fuck you was thrown at me.

Walking up to the door I heard some girls already laughing. Knowing this was Demi her crew. Kelsey her laugh would always stand out. And you guys thought Demi's laugh was loud as fuck.

As I opened the door their heads were immediately turned my way.

''Shelley!'' Kelsey smiled and instantly gave me a hug. She was the one standing the closest to me. My instant reaction was wrapping my arms around her.

''Nice to see you too, Kell.'' I chuckled and we just laughed it off.

''Oh, you might want to give Skylar a really big and tight hug. She's being an emotional wreck at the moment.'' I said and she raised an eyebrow.

''How come?'' She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. Knowing damn well what was going on.

While Kelsey rushed inside Demi's eyes met mine.

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