Bonds broken by destiny?! Part 2.

Start from the beginning

"Jaden, this is foolish" He mused out "Tara is not here".

"Of course she is not here, she is at the top waiting for us" Jaden replied back. Haou sighed deeply inside. They were headed for a trap. At least he could prepare Jaden for it. Or he hoped he could.

"No she is not!" he then said firmly "Jaden, we are in an elevator!".

"Yeah so what?!" Jaden said and snort "What has that to do with anything?!".

"Jaden, your sister is claustrophobic" The king sneered back "And with my Yubel..". The king looked at Jaden, hoping he had at least put two and two together. He did, but at such a slow pace. At least compared to Haou.

"Tara would never..." He could hear Jaden muse out. Horror was written on his face.

The sound of the elevator stopping could be heard. The door opened, and revealed a giant duel dome. The one Yugi Muto and their father Seto Kaiba once had been dueling in, but of course been upgraded a lot since then. Sartorius walked out as soon as the door opened, and left Jaden confused. Maybe even angry. Jaden walked out of the elevator however, and looked around.

"Sartorius, where did you take me? This is not where the helicopter should be" he then said "Tell me where Tara is! We need to return to Duel academy at once".

"There is no helicopter, and I have no clue where your sister is" Sartorius replied, turning his back to him, and was now holding a duel disk in one of his hands. "You should deem yourself lucky that I preferred you over your sister. You might say I have a soft spot for her. However they only want one of you gone as a bare minimum".

Haou's eyes narrowed at that. Jaden's eyes widened in surprise though.

"Sartorius I don't understand" he then said slowly.

"You won't be taking a single step out of Domino City" Sartorius replied in a cold tone. He turned around with lifted duel disk "You'll duel me here and now".

"Stop joking! We don't have the time for this" Jaden shouted angrily "If Tara is not here, I need to go find her. Then we will return to DA on our own". Haou nodded at that, and they both turned towards the elevator.

"Don't move!" Sartorius shouted "If you try to leave here, your body will pay the price. There is bombs set up around here set to explode this place. In other words, the moment you stepped in here, our fate was linked to this building. The switch activates when someone tries to step out of this building. Your only have one option to save yourself, and that is to lose to me, and become Darkness". Haou rolled his eyes a little and looked at Jaden.

"You are in quite some mess Jaden" he then pointed out. Jaden hissed angrily.

"Don't you think I know that!" he yelled back, his eyes turning golden, while a part of the darkness resonated with his emotions "Fine I messed up. Happy now?! Just can't believe Sartorius got fallen into Nightshroud's hands okay".

"Jaden calm yourself" Haou replied in a calm tone "He hasn't. Look closely".

"What do you mean he hasn't?" Jaden questioned, his golden eyes were glaring at Sartorius now. Sartorius smirked a little.

"It is useless to look at me with those eyes Jaden" he then replied "I am the real Sartorius. I am not an emissary of the true Darkness. Guess that is what the supreme king said as well?!". Jaden looked puzzled at him.

"Then why?!" Jaden demanded now. He wanted to know what was going on.

"Isn't it strange? That I, who used to see everyone's destiny, is now being addled by destiny even after losing the power" Sartorius rambled on. Haou and Jaden both didn't understand what he was talking about.

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