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Ateera was back by the seashore-a spot that was starting to be her place.  

It was a soothing feeling--- the soft brush of the sand at the soles of her feet gives her comfort, serving as a little piece of peace in her otherwise frenzied thoughts. It felt nice-far from how her chest was feeling at the moment. 

Those first few letters she had just read made her realize how she was dumb enough not to notice that Kamita had started to rule her heart. They were the witnesses to how her once innocent feelings had evolved into something more serious and frightening. 

It didn't even start as a crush. She was merely just looking for friendship. 

And for some cosmic joke, she had even skipped the crush stage-she just... fell in love. 

And she had denied it for so long. For so long that it had started to bubble up inside until it had finally exploded one day with a vengeance and she was hit straight on the face. 

And boom. She was so doomed. 

Ateera smiled. She really was an idiot. 

"Ateera?" A familiar voice called from somewhere behind her. She glanced back to greet the not-so-unwanted intruder to smile at her. 

"Hi, Mia," she greeted with a smile. Mia was her college friend whose family is currently hosting her stay at this foreign place. The Tobias family owned the only Filipino restaurant in this town and it was doing so well.  

She was Ateera's secret confidante. Even Ruyu doesn't know how close she was to Ateera since Ateera was always seen with Ruyu. She's that one friend whom Ateera trusted the most-the reason why she had contacted Mia regarding her plans. 

Mia sat on the sand a foot away from her. 

"Sorry for intruding, bitch," she said, earning a soft chuckle from Ateera. "Mom is looking for you. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." 

Ateera nodded, her gaze back on the sea. "Thanks, Mia." 

"It's been... 40 days, right?" 

"Yes. 61 days more." 

"Are you... starting to be fine?" 

"Yes," Ateera replied truthfully. "I'm not exactly reminiscing just the... pain, you know. I'm... also remembering the good times-they're something I couldn't let go. Kamita and I--- we have a lot of beautiful memories." 

"Why don't you tell him?" Mia asked. "You said you don't want to lose you friendship, but I know you, Ateera. You will start avoiding him like crazy and isn't that like losing his friendship too?" 

"You're wrong, Mia," Ateera replied wistfully. "It's the reason why I am doing this--- to remember all the good moments and to let go... only... of the pain. So that I won't have a reason to avoid him. I'm doing this for us. I... I know myself too, Mia. I run away from things which overwhelm me. I don't want to run away from him. And this is the best way I knew how." 

Mia blew a lock of hair out of her face. "Love is so complicated. Maybe I won't fall in love." 

Ateera laughed. "I have said that to myself before, but look where I ended up. It's better to accept the fact that you'll fall in love one day and that it will come to you as a surprise. At least you're semi-prepared." 

"Nah. I'll deal with it when it happens," Mia answered nonchalantly. "By the way, I haven't asked, how did Ruyu and Gene take this semi-hiatus of yours?" 

"I don't know." 

"What?" Mia looked surprised. Why wouldn't she? A Ruyu and a Gene without an Ateera is just impossible. 

Ateera nodded. "Yes. They do not know where I am. Only Demi was informed. She's the reason for the attainment of my visa." 

Mia laughed. "Well, you're technically training, right?" 

Ateera chuckled. "Yes, of course," she answered. "Even though it doesn't look like it, I am being trained. It's all online though. Perks of being the daughter of the owner." 

"Of course it needs to be online. You're not reporting at the main office," Mia retorted. 

Ateera looked at her with mock skepticism. "I do report at the main office! Well, not literally--- I mean it's in the City---" 

"--- which is a plane ride away from here, you slacker," Mia added with a laugh. "By the way, when you return home, you do know Ruyu and Gene will kill you, right?"  

"Yes," Ateera answered with a smile. "I told Demi not to inform them of my whereabouts. Why did you think I pestered you to host me? This is the last place those two will look for me. And I think they should take advantage of my hiatus and fix their relationship." 

"They still haven't admitted their feelings?" Mia sounded skeptical. She had seen the two boys together often enough on campus when Gene visited and only stupid people won't recognize what they truly feel for each other--- that's how obvious it was. 

"Nope," Ateera said. "They're worse than me. At least they both return each other's feelings. They're just idiots." She closed her eyes and lifted her gaze to the sky... simply feeling. 

"Well, you're an idiot too." She heard Mia whisper. 

"I know." 

Mia did not reply to her words maybe because her friend sensed something in her tone. Ateera was grateful for it. 

They spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence before Mia told her they needed to go back for dinner. She stood up and started walking towards the main road. Ateera immediately followed, but not without gazing at the sea one last time. 

They were never under the same sky. It has always been the sea that connects them. 


"Does...I mean...  what reason did you tell Kamita?" Mia asked as they entered the main street. 

Ateera shrugged. "Told him I will go on a pilgrimage in different holy places--- Italy, Israel, Spain, etc. He knew how religious Filipinos are. He doesn't expect me to contact him in three months. Told him I needed to cleanse my soul and my heart for a new beginning." 

"Ah. Lying is a sin," Mia answered. "But then--- you are only lying about the places because hey, you are cleansing your soul and your heart--- for a different reason." 

Ateera did not reply. She doesn't need to.

101 Days of Heartbreak Series Book 1: Letters of HeartbreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora