Chapter 6

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Dear Kamita, 

We had abused Skype, hadn't we? 

Our emails had stopped because of it and you had disturbed me every night, demanding we should talk even for thirty minutes every night.  

Those were the good memories. I had loved our talks. You told me about your day; I told you about mine. You complained about your co-stars and director; I complained about some of my classmates and a few teachers. You whined about your script; I whined about the hundreds of pages I had to read.  

We had become each other's diary. It had felt really nice and somewhat peaceful, having someone lean on you and value your thoughts even about the smallest of things. It had been really fun too. I had enjoyed listening to you talk so animatedly even about the things that annoy you. You're just like that, Kamita. There's just too much heart and passion within you and they had shown every time.  

I had only hated a certain portion of our conversations-when you had let your dick do the talking for you. I really didn't appreciate you talking to me about your sexual adventures. Akira existed for that. I had understood that you're on that stage where you listen mostly to your hormones than to your brain, but it doesn't mean I could tolerate it. I wasn't a prude-- I had two guys for best friends!

I just... I just didn't like it.  


"So who did you want to murder this time?" Ateera asked, grinning at Kamita from her laptop screen as she answered her assignment. 

"Akihiro-san," Kamita replied, his voice a little garbled as he chewed on his tonkatsu. "He's committing a lot of mistakes on purpose to charm Keiko-san." 

Ateera lifted her eyes to look at him. "Are you jealous? Keiko-san is 40-years-old and is your love interest's mother. I think it's all right for Akihiro-san to flirt with her since he is 44-years-old and plays your love interest's stepfather." 

"But she's so hoooot," Kamita responded, his knees bobbing up and down in excitement. "Have you seen her photos? She's more gorgeous than my 16-year-old love interest." 

Ateera looked disgusted. "Don't you dare, Yuu. She's a woman, but she's married." 

"But she's flirting with me, Ateera. Who am I to say no? I'm just a 16-year-old hormonal teenager," he replied dramatically. 

"Oh for goodness sake, Yuu, she's older than your mother!" 

"Ateera, look," Kamita said as he put down his food. "She's the one coming to me. She touches me deliberately and looks at me like I'm some kind of food. She wants me. If it's just a one night stand, I will not say no. This business has so many unpublicized scandals. Everyone beds everyone in secret." 

She didn't reply and just returned her attention to her notes. Her hands were trembling, but she ignored it. She allowed her long hair to fall, covering her face completely. 

"Fated friend, are you angry?" Kamita asked, sounding hesitant when Ateera remained silent for the next minute. Said girl briefly closed her eyes before lifting her gaze. She released a small smile.  

"No. I'm just concerned. I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." 

Kamita smiled, his small eyes almost nonexistent.  

"I promise I know what I'm doing." 

"That's all I want to hear," she replied, trying to sound reassuring. She wanted to say more, but the look of excitement on Kamita's face stopped her. 

He didn't call her in three days. 

Ateera, though worried and a little bit suspicious as to why he didn't contact her, was thankful for the extra time. She's taking her quarterly exams and she needed to ace them.  

101 Days of Heartbreak Series Book 1: Letters of HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now