Chapter 13

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I had been unfair to you; I know. But you couldn't fully blame me. I was being consumed by feelings that were new to me--- feelings I didn't know how to interpret back then.  

And it had felt good--- me being unfair to you. Because deep inside my heart, I had wanted to hurt you; to avenge what you had been doing to me. It had been an unconscious move on my part, but I won't deny that it had felt good. 

It had felt good to know I could still do it--- be bad; be evil towards you. Because that had meant I still had a chance to survive when I finally admitted what I had long since been denying my heart. It had meant I could still hurt you even if you could hurt me. 

Well, love is all about sadomasochism.  

You had broken up with Mariko-chan a month after your scandalous PDAs of which magazine scans you so insensitively sent me through emails.  

By the way, I had reported them as SPAM, you insensitive jerk. 

I had expected it though. A girl gifted with almost a hundred percent in the looks department clearly had 10% personality and 0% brains.  

You can't have it all. God is fair. 

You had whined at me on Skype. I had tolerated it mainly because I had felt triumphant for a reason. And then there's this--- I couldn't stay angry at those puppy dog eyes, damn you. 

So you had logged off with a happy smile. I was good in cheering up people after all.  

Too bad I suck at cheering up myself. But thank God that's what Ruyu and Gene were and still are for. 

Life had gone back to normal for both of us. 

For a week. 

Because the week after that Skype call, you had called me and you told me you're now dating Erika-chan, your newest love interest in your TV Drama.  


"I always catch her looking at me," Kamita said, his eyes wearing that familiar dazed look, which always happens when he's talking about girls. 

Ateera remained silent, but he didn't seem to notice. 

"She's also finding reasons to touch me," he added, sounding more enthusiastic by the moment. "A lean on the shoulder, a touch on the arm, a hug from behind--- ah, it's hard not to lose control when she's around." 

Ateera counted from 1 to infinity in her head. She's trying so hard to hold on to that last bit of patience since Kamita started talking about Erika-chan. 

It was Mariko-chan all over again. Just worse. 

"I'm getting lucky tonight," he declared. "I heard she's really good in bed." 

The last bit of patience had snapped. 

"Oh. Goodluck with that," Ateera said, her smile wide and cold. 

"Uhm... why?" Kamita said, his eyes suddenly looking confused.  

Ateera's cold smile widened.  

"I heard her vagina bites," she answered, her tone clipped and casual as if what she said wasn't a big revelation. 


I had logged out with your dropping jaw in sight. 

Sashimi, who was twice as big as he was when you sent him, looked at me like he wished he was back in Japan. 

Poor dog was shipped to Gene's room, which resembled a garbage dump more than a room just because I had looked like I wanted to eat him for dinner. 


101 Days of Heartbreak Series Book 1: Letters of HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now