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„What do you mean?" Lucifer talked nervously, turning his back to Chloe, so she couldn't hear the phone conversation he was currently having with Maze.

As he took a few steps away from her and started to speak in a more quiet tone, Chloe got curious.

Since Trixie was in school and Dan was working, there was no one in Chloe's house except her and Lucifer. They were just about to head to the police station and get to work, when his phone sounded.

The detective could only hear bits of the conversation, since she wasn't able to hear what was Maze saying. She didn't even manage to see the distress and utter panic that covered Lucifer's face, since his back was facing her the whole time. She only noticed his shoulder tense.

„...Yes, I-I...", Lucifer sighed heavily.

That was the first time Chloe heard him stutter. If she didn't know better, she would even say his voice cracked a little.

„I'll be right there, don't do anything without me.", he ordered harshly and hung up in hurried manner.

Chloe approached him and put a hand on his shoulder gently. The fabric of the expensive suit was smooth against her soft hand. Even her light touch made him flinch before he turned around and looked at her.

„Is everything okay?" she asked.

She tried to cover up her shock upon seeing his pale, worried face expression and his anxious stance. He looked like someone sucked the life right out of him. His stare was concentrated on nothing in particular. He put a hand through his raven-black hair, tugging on it lightly while contemplating something.

Lucifer was usually excellent at hiding his emotions, but this time, he was unable to do so.

„I have to go.", he muttered and quickly went to the doors.

„What happened?" Chloe insisted, going after him.

Her heeled boots clinked against the floor as she was chasing him.

Lucifer was near his car in an instant, ignoring Chloe's questions.

„You're clearly upset, you can't drive in this state.", she said, taking him by the arm so he would look up to her. „Let me drive."

„No.", he answered briskly, his jaw clenching. „I have to go. Alone."

Not bothering to return her gaze or even say goodbye, he turned on the engine and drove off as fast as possible. Chloe stood there for a moment, figuring out what to do, but then quickly got her own car keys and went after him. For the first time since she met Lucifer, she saw him out of character, not being his usual, chatty and flirty self. Something serious must've happened and whatever it was, she wanted to help her friend. She wanted to make sure he was alright, the same way he cared for her when she was feeling miserable.

The whole ride to the beach, Lucifer's mind kept running through possible scenarios that could've led to this rather unusual turn of events. Niether of them seemed even remotely plausible. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what was he feeling at the moment. He just wanted to hurry, see if Maze was right.

But, she couldn't be.

Lucifer was convinced that this was some kind of a joke. A bad trick that somebody wanted to play on him. If that were the case, the Devil himself will make sure that he invents a new kind of pain for the creator of this twisted scheme.

Just a few cars away, Chloe was gripping her wheel nervously. L.A. streets were quite busy and the sunset was only a few minutes away, which meant that she could follow Lucifer easily.

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