Chapter 2- Why Is This Happening?

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11th March, 2014: 

It was a Tuesday, just a week after the last call. I've shared this story with a few of my trustable friends, and of course, my family. I seeked for advices, and tips from a few. My suspicions grew wider with fear and anger. I even listed down a few reasons why this person has been calling me. I tried to stay put, and control my emotions. 

8:21 p.m.:

I was busy doing my homework, concentrating on every point and keyword of the question. I sighed, "Why, Maths."

I was a brilliant student in the class. Top 10, I assumed. Even if I disliked the subject, I'll have to learn it anyway. I usually force myself to study Geography and Maths, especially History, for upcoming exams. Those were the subjects I don't equally love, but the joy is that I'll achieve good grades. Education for me is significant, because it is the key to success. 

Just as I was about to solve and find the conclusion, the table vibrated slightly, and my ringtone sounded. The first thing that came into my mind was: Is this the same caller? 

I glanced at my phone. I had memorized the number of this anonymous caller two days earlier. As I expected, it was the same John Doe.

Surprisingly, I was calm. I would normally be alarmed by now. I told myself I should be careful with my surroundings, as this person could be real dangerous. 

Could it be, a con-man? A serial killer, perhaps?  What about— hold on. Why am I thinking about all these? Am I jumping to conclusions? Overreacting? The whole world is too cruel to think of right now. All of my theories could be possible. There's no way that this could be an ordinary person. If not, why does 'he' keep calling me? There's no way an ordinary person would call ANOTHER ordinary person over so many times, so this is NO coincidence. 

The phone only rang for six seconds, and was put down. I paused for a while from my work, and wondered off into my imagination of over-the-top thoughts and theories. 

At the moment, the pattern of calls are quite stable. The calls have been coming in for each week now. This has been the third time. I'll be observing closely to the calls and will be jotting down the date and time. From now on, I'll be always ready to conclude the information that I've gathered from the past few weeks. 

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