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Ms. Perry came two days before the singing group came. She was with a small church youth group from Cahnahdah and was addicted to mint gum, bad manners and saying the phrase, "Good night nurse!" a lot.

She came off a big, yellow bus carrying three huge suitcases and a head of hair that looked like someone had electrocuted her scalp. She saw me and approached me, dropping the bags and smiling widely. "You're cute," she commented in a voice that was crisp and clean. "I like you."

Ms. Perry always said what she thought.

Ms. Perry ("No, no, Kendi -- call me Susan. Ms. Perry makes me sound like Katy Perry and I don't want to be paired with that naked, auto-tuned Barbie.") was one of five kids from a small church in Alberta, Cahnahdah. Within the first ten minutes of knowing Susan, she had told me that the town was as small as her thumb, (which I don't believe. People cannot live in a thumb.) she didn't like people who wore headbands, and she didn't believe in margarine because it was just fancy plastic that tasted good. (what is this margarine? I shall have to try it.) I also learned that Susan's favorite colour was purple, her favorite TV show was, most certainly, not The Walking Dead.

Susan Anne Marjorie Perry said what she thought.

After she unpacked, Susan started with cleaning out the medical building so her older sister -- Kate -- could start treating the citizens of Hertaych. "Kate is one of those smart people, Kendi," she explained as she scrubbed at a blood stain on the rotted floor furiously. "Me? No. I cheated my way through school." Susan wasn't smart, but she was pretty and practical, and she explained that was good enough. "Act like you know what you're doing, Kendi. Walk confidently - shoulders back! Chin up. Good, good, now stand taller. Good. Relax your shoulders a tiny bit--- perfect! See? You must be listened to. You are Kendi. No one stands in your way."

This principle was demonstrated by Susan Perry that very afternoon. The singing group - One Direction - came to Hertaych that day. My mudder directed two of the boys (there were five in all) to Susan. The two of them - Harry and Niall - came through the door and asked Susan what they could do to help her.

Susan looked up from her work and squinted at the two of them - Niall, who was pretty simple, wearing a white t-shirt and jean shorts - and Harry, who was wearing the same - with a headband.

Susan stood and placed her hands on her hips. "I don't like headbands," she retorted and turned on her heel, walking away with the air of confidence she had just taught me.

Harry and Niall looked at me. I shrugged and followed Susan out to the well. "Don't ask me," I called to them as I walked away. "All I know is that you should just pretend to know what you're doing around here."


WHOO finally updated. :-)


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